3 Amendments of Gianna GANCIA related to 2022/2026(INI)

Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. UrgesCalls on the Member States to improve the accessibility of buildings, transport and communication, including web accessibility, in order to remove physical, digital, logistical and social barriers in all areas, and recalls that the Member States mustshould speed up the transposition of the European Accessibility Act10 ; _________________ 10 Petitions Nos 0954/2019, 1491/2020,1135/21 and 1213/2021.
Committee: PETI
Amendment 62 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Recalls, in this respect, that the COVID-19 crisis has fostered remote work, which could provide for wider access to employment for PwD, and urgescalls on the Member States to take serious measures to tackle unemployment and the payment gap11 ; _________________ 11 Petitions Nos 0608/2020, 1139/2021, 0226/21 and 0070/2022.
Committee: PETI
Amendment 92 #
8. Highlights that all PwD are exposed to discrimination most frequently, in particular those with intellectual, psychosocial and mental disabilities, and women and girls, migrants and members of the LGBTIQ community with disabilities; calls, in this respect, for anti- discrimination legislation to protect the rights of PwD and for the horizontal Anti- Discrimination Directive to be unblocked in the Council14 ; _________________ 14 Petitions Nos 0164/2020 and 0226/2021.all PwD;
Committee: PETI