11 Amendments of Pietro FIOCCHI related to 2019/2803(RSP)

Amendment 22 #

Recital B
B. whereas, in order to adequately protect pollinators, the presence of pesticide residues in the habitat of pollinators will need to be strongly reduced;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 32 #

Recital E
E. whereas however, several Member States notified emergency derogations regarding the use of these neonicotinoids on their territory; whereas notifications of Member States regarding those emergency authorisations are often of very poor quality and are not made public;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 71 #

Paragraph 3
3. However, considers that the Initiative fails to sufficiently address the main root causes of pollinators’ decline, which include land-use changes and loss of habitats, intensive agricultural management practices, plant protection products, diseases, climate change and invasive alien species; considers that the implementation of "Priority II: Tackling the causes of pollinator decline" is of the utmost urgency;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 91 #

Paragraph 8
8. Stresses that boosting biodiversity and thus fostering the occurrence of pollinators' habitats on the agricultural land must become a key aim in the development of the future Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which must seek to reduce pesticide use; and promote good agricultural practice and integrated pest management;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 112 #

Paragraph 11
11. Calls on the Commission to propose legislation prohibitingwork for the gradual abandonment of the production, sale and use of allthose neonicotinoid-based pesticides throughout the Union without derogationat have been scientifically proven to interact adversely with the physiology of bees;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 115 #

Paragraph 11
11. Calls on the Commission to propose legislation prohibiting the production, sale and use of allfully enforce the existing use restrictions for neonicotinoid-based pesticides throughout the Union without derogation;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 125 #

Paragraph 13
13. Calls on the Commission and the Member States in the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed to adopt without delay the updated bee guidance used by EFSA in its recent review of three neonicotinoidscontinue its work on producing an update to the EFSA bee guidance document informed by the principles of science based policy;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 134 #

Paragraph 15
15. Calls on the Commission to include in the objectives of the CAP limits to the objective of increasing productivity and to regulate intensive farming practices, in order to improve the habitat and forage space for bees;deleted
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 148 #

Paragraph 16 a (new)
16 a. Calls on the Commission to propose measures to help tackle pressures on pollinators stemming from farmland abandonment;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 153 #

Paragraph 17
17. Calls on the Commission and Member States to support the beekeeping sector by reinforcing import inspections in order to avoid imports of adulterated honey and by adopting compulsory honey origin labelling with every country's name for honey mixtures;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 166 #

Paragraph 20
20. Considers it appropriate to support the development of low-risk pesticides that are harmless to pollinators and to increase research into new hybridisation techniques as a way of selecting plant species so as to greatly reduce the need for pesticides;
Committee: ENVI