4 Amendments of Thierry MARIANI related to 2022/2007(INI)

Amendment 60 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital C
C. whereas the war in Ukraine has underlined the threat posed by third countries that seek political and economic hegemony in the EU’s neighbourhood to the detriment of the democratic aspirations and territorial integrity of target countries; whereas Russia, China and Iran, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar are all seeking to increase their capacity to exercise political and/or economic hegemony in certain Southern Neighbourhood countries and, therefore, the EU’s capacity-building for fighting disinformation and promoting freedom of the press is crucial; whereas the EU should reaffirm its role as the primary political, economic and democratic anchor for the countries of the Southern Neighbourhood;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 108 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point b
(b) Address, as a matter of priority, the impact of the war in Ukraine on certain Southern Neighbourhood countries in terms of food security, with particular reference to countries most vulnerable because of their population size, dependence on food imports or economic model; asks the Commission to engage with Parliament on ways to ensure food security for countries in the Southern Mediterranean that face difficulties in this regard and devise a robust policy and assistance response for this purpose without further delay, also building on the Food and Resilience Facility in order to address food security in the regionrecalls that countries in the Middle East and North Africa import almost half their grain from Russia and Ukraine; stresses that sanctions imposed by the West on Russian exports of grain, wheat and fertiliser risk worsening the ongoing food crisis on the African continent; points out that according to FAO estimates, in addition to the 720 to 811 million people already suffering from chronic hunger in 2020, the war in Ukraine could push the number of undernourished people up from 7.6 to 13.1 million in 2022 and 2023;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 125 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point c
(c) ImplemenNotes that under the NDICI, as a matter of priority, strategies and dedicated programming forwill enable broader youth access to education, vocational training, higher education together with adequate funding for access to education; recalls that youth migration, whether regular or irregular, and professional brain drain are a matter of serious concern to our partners in the region, as well as a serious threat to the longer-term capacity for economic growth and economic viability of Southern Neighbourhood countries; stresses the importance of expanding access to the Erasmus and Erasmus+ programmes for participants from Southern Neighbourhood countries; recalls the importance of circular mobility, including South-to- South exchanges, so that professionals from Southern Neighbourhood countries can have concrete opportunities to further their professional training in the EU and return to their country of origin to share and build knowledge; recalls the importance of mainstreamat the professional brain drain caused by illegal immigration has to be a matter of serious concern to our partners ing the socioeconomic integration of women in the region and of gender equality region, as well as a serious threat to the longer term capacity for economic growth and economic viability of Southern Neighbourhood countries, requiring vigorous and resolute action against illegal immigration, putting all EU policies areas whenever possible stop to the harmful work of NGOs, beginning with those funded by the Soros network; stresses the importance of targeted EU support for women with the objective of improving their access to education, training and employment and, more generally, promoting equal professional and socioeconomic opportunities;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 202 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point i
(i) Implement the new agenda for the Mediterranean through dedicated dialogue and consultation with local and regional authorities, as well as reinforce the links between EU Delegations and the Euro- Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM); recalls that these are important drivers for development and are closer to the people, so that implementation strategies can reach all communities, including those most disadvantaged geographically or in socioeconomic terms; accord, with that in mind, particular attention to Lebanon because of the historical, political and humanitarian message this country conveys concerning coexistence by many diverse religious communities; provide political, material and moral support to Christian communities in the Middle East, threatened more than ever today by radical Islamism;
Committee: AFET