4 Amendments of Eugen TOMAC related to 2021/2181(INI)

Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Given the fact that human rights dialogues are intended to be a central part of the EU’s foreign policy toolbox, highlights that they cannot be an end in themselves; therefore calls on the EEAS and the Council to strike a better balance between diplomacy, interests and values, more in line with the human rights objectives guiding the EU’s external action with a greater focus on a long-term perspective and therefore reiterates that respect for human rights must be an underlining conditionality of EU’s support towards partner countries;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 163 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Is seriously concerned at the precarious situation of human rights defenders and deplores the fact that they are the victims of increasing violence, including targeted killings; underlines the particularly severe situation, further aggravated by COVID-19, of female, environmental, labour, environmental and indigenous human rights defenders; reiterates that human rights defenders are oftentimes the only interlocutors able to conduct on-site monitoring and human rights protection in territories with uncertain legal status, especially in frozen conflict areas, where both international community and the EU have limited engagement capacities; deplores the increased use of techniques such as harassment, criminalisation and defamation campaigns, arbitrary arrests and unlimited detention in inhumane conditions used to silence human rights defenders, often on the basis of ill-defined terrorism charges; reiterates its call to EU Delegations and Member States’ embassies in third countries to regularly visit activists in prison, monitor their trials and advocate their access to justice and protection;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 349 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 38
38. Stresses the multi-faceted threat to the enjoyment of human rights brought about by modern armed conflicts, which, in addition to states, often involve non-state agents and terrorist organisations; emphasises that victims of human rights violations have very limited access to justice in territories with uncertain legal status, especially in frozen conflict areas, where developed legal and institutionalised structures for protecting human rights are either lacking or are hardly fulfilling their tasks within fragile frameworks; reiterates its call for the EU to strengthen its response to conflicts in collaboration with partner countries and regional organisations, including a strong focus on conflict prevention, mediation and good offices efforts, addressing the root causes of the conflicts, humanitarian aid, providing the necessary support to the international peacebuilding and peacekeeping missions, as well as EU missions in the framework of the common security and defence policy, and post- conflict reconstruction operations supporting and applying strong integration and scrutiny of human rights and a robust gender perspective;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 391 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 44
44. Underlines the important role played by digital technologies, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic; stresses that these technologies will continue to be implemented around the world in the post- pandemic period and that that they should be appropriately regulated to leverage their strength while avoiding their negative effects on human rights; in particular, stresses the importance of effective safeguards to the right to privacy and data protection in the health-related systems of mass surveillance, and of their proportionate use which should also be limited in time; emphasises that democracy is facing increasing threats through covert foreign funding, disinformation and other interference online;
Committee: AFET