10 Plenary speeches of Pernando BARRENA ARZA
War in the Gaza Strip and the situation in the Middle-East (debate)
The deteriorating situation of women in Afghanistan due to the recent adoption of the law on the “Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice”
Outcome of the Summit of the Future: transforming global governance for building peace, promoting human rights and achieving the sustainable development goals (debate)
Ensuring sustainable, decent and affordable housing in Europe - encouraging investment, private property and public housing programmes (debate)
Situation in Azerbaijan, violation of human rights and international law and relations with Armenia (debate)
Abuse of new technologies to manipulate and radicalise young people through hate speech and antidemocratic discourse (debate)
Protecting our oceans: persistent threats to marine protected areas in the EU and benefits for coastal communities (debate)
The devastating floods in Spain, the urgent need to support the victims, to improve preparedness and to fight the climate crisis (debate)
Full accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen Area: the urgent need to lift controls at internal land borders (debate)
Towards a shared vision for European tourism, its sustainable growth and brand Europe (debate)