9 Written explanations of Petar VITANOV

Situation of Fundamental Rights in the European Union - Annual Report for the years 2018-2019 (A9-0226/2020 - Clare Daly)

As head of the Bulgarian Socialist delegation, I would like to express my full support for the findings of the report. It comes in an extremely important moment, when the rule of law and the safeguard of fundamental rights are once again in the focus of the EU agenda.Concerning paragraph 7 of the report, I would like to note that the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria has taken a decision on the compatibility of the Istanbul Convention with the Bulgarian Constitution, stating that despite its undoubtedly positive aspects, the Istanbul Convention contains some inherent contradictions, and part of its provisions do not correspond with the Bulgarian Constitution. If ratified, the Convention would require the introduction in our legislation of certain provisions regarding biological sex and gender which would be unconstitutional.
The need for a dedicated Council configuration on gender equality (B9-0402/2020, B9-0404/2020)

As a head of the Bulgarian Socialist delegation, I would like to express my full support for the findings of the resolution. It comes in an extremely important moment, when the COVID-19 crisis has shown the importance of EU integration and of strengthening cooperation and dialogue between Member States, exchanging solutions and delivering EU—level actions and coordinated responses, including in the field of gender equality.Concerning paragraph 4 of the resolution, I would like to note that the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria has taken a decision on the compatibility of the Istanbul Convention with the Bulgarian Constitution, stating that despite its undoubtedly positive aspects, the Istanbul Convention contains some inherent contradictions and part of its provisions do not correspond with the Bulgarian Constitution. If ratified, the Convention would require the introduction in our legislation of certain provisions regarding biological sex and gender, which would be unconstitutional.
The gender perspective in the COVID-19 crisis and post-crisis period (A9-0229/2020 - Frances Fitzgerald)

As a head of the Bulgarian Socialist delegation, I would like to express my full support for the findings of the report. Last year was difficult for all European citizens, but it also exacerbated the situation of many women across the EU, so it is our responsibility to address the gender perspective of the COVID-19 crisis.Concerning paragraph 18 of the report, I would like to note that the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria has taken a decision on the compatibility of the Istanbul Convention with the Bulgarian constitution, stating that despite its undoubtedly positive aspects, the Istanbul Convention contains some inherent contradictions and part of its provisions are not in line with the Bulgarian constitution. If ratified, the Convention would require the introduction in our legislation of certain provisions regarding biological sex and gender, which would be unconstitutional.
Challenges ahead for women’s rights: more than 25 years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (B9-0114/2021)

As a head of the Bulgarian Socialist delegation, I would like to express my full support for this resolution.Concerning paragraph 34, I would like to note that the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria has taken a decision on the compatibility of the Istanbul Convention with the Bulgarian constitution, stating that despite its undoubtedly positive aspects, the Istanbul Convention contains some inherent contradictions and part of its provisions do not correspond with the Bulgarian Constitution. If ratified, the Convention would require the introduction in our legislation of certain provisions regarding biological sex and gender, which would be unconstitutional.
Combating gender-based violence: cyberviolence (A9-0338/2021 - Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Sylwia Spurek)

As a head of the Bulgarian Socialist delegation, I would like to express my full support for this report.Concerning paragraphs 50 and 51, I would like to note that the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria has taken a decision on the compatibility of the Istanbul Convention with the Bulgarian Constitution, stating that despite its undoubtedly positive aspects, the Istanbul Convention contains some inherent contradictions and part of its provisions do not correspond with the Bulgarian Constitution. If ratified, the Convention would require the introduction in our legislation of certain provisions regarding biological sex and gender, which would be unconstitutional.
Russian aggression against Ukraine (B9-0123/2022)

От името на Делегацията на българските социалисти в Европейския парламент бих искал да заявя, че категорично осъждаме военната агресия на Руската федерация срещу Украйна и нашествието ѝ в страната, в нарушение на международното право, както и участието на Беларус в тази агресия. Призоваваме Русия незабавно да прекрати всички военни действия в Украйна, да изтегли безусловно всички военни и паравоенни сили от цялата територия на Украйна и изцяло да зачита териториалната цялост, суверенитета и независимостта на страната.Политическите и икономически санкции остават единствената алтернатива на военните мерки. Пред лицето на агресията не можем да стоим безучастни. Същевременно Делегацията на българските социалисти изразява опасения, че санкциите не постигат възпиращия ефект, който би трябвало да имат върху руските президент и елит, а се отразяват пряко върху цялото население на Русия.Обявяваме се и против призивите за увеличаване и ускоряване на износа на оръжие и военно оборудване за Украйна, тъй като това не може да бъде решение, а напротив, може да влоши още повече ситуацията, с непредвидими последствия. Също така сме убедени, че някои от препоръките биха имали пагубен ефект върху европейската икономика, включително и върху българската икономика. Не подкрепяме предложенията за ограничаване на вноса на най-важните руски стоки за износ, включително нефт и газ, както и прекратяване на сътрудничеството с Русия в ядрената област.“(Писмено изявление, съкратено в съответствие с Правило 171) ”,
Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 24-25 March 2022: including the latest developments of the war against Ukraine and the EU sanctions against Russia and their implementation (RC-B9-0197/2022, B9-0197/2022, B9-0200/2022, B9-0201/2022, B9-0203/2022, B9-0210/2022, B9-0211/2022)

Тhe Bulgarian S&D MEPs supported the resolution on the latest developments of the war against Ukraine and the EU sanctions against Russia. We believe that sanctions are the logical and conscious response to the military invasion.We firmly stand on the position that untimely comprehensive sanctions on energy imports will have a disproportionate and detrimental effect in the midst of an energy crisis. Such measures will do more harm to the EU citizens and economy, and could potentially jeopardize the EU project.Furthermore, terminating collaboration with Russia on existing nuclear projects will leave some Member States with no alternative for nuclear fuel supply and could pose a serious threat in terms of the operational security of the existing nuclear facilities.
Social and economic consequences for the EU of the Russian war in Ukraine – reinforcing the EU’s capacity to act (RC-B9-0267/2022, B9-0267/2022, B9-0271/2022, B9-0273/2022, B9-0278/2022, B9-0279/2022, B9-0280/2022)

I and my colleagues from the Bulgarian S&D Delegation supported the resolution on the Social and economic consequences for the EU of the Russian war in Ukraine.We believe that an urgent and comprehensive EU-wide response is critical in a situation, where consumer price inflation has reached levels not seen since the 1970s and where the rapid increases in food and energy prices across the EU are affecting the most vulnerable populations, further increasing inequality and poverty.However, we firmly stand on the position that a ban on imports of Russian oil in the present moment, as well as an immediate and full embargo on Russian imports of nuclear fuel and gas will have a disproportionate and detrimental effect in the midst of an ongoing energy crisis. Such measures will do more harm to the EU citizens and economy, and could potentially jeopardize the EU project.Furthermore, terminating collaboration with Russia on existing nuclear projects will leave some Member States with no alternative for nuclear fuel supply and could pose a serious threat in terms of the operational security of the existing nuclear facilities.
Human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter - annual report 2022 (A9-0298/2022 - Isabel Wiseler-Lima)

As a head of the Bulgarian Socialist delegation, I would like to express my full support for this report.Concerning paragraph 58, I would like to note that the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria has taken a decision on the compatibility of the Istanbul Convention with the Bulgarian Constitution, stating that despite its undoubtedly positive aspects, the Istanbul Convention contains some inherent contradictions and part of its provisions do not correspond to the Bulgarian Constitution. If ratified, the Convention would require the introduction in our legislation of certain provisions regarding biological sex and gender, which would be unconstitutional.