2 Amendments of Marcos ROS SEMPERE related to 2021/0293(COD)

Amendment 110 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 7
(7) Digital skills, basic and advanced, are essential to reinforce the collective resilience of the Union’s society. Digitally empowered and capable citizens will be able to take advantage of the opportunities of the Digital Decade. Moreover, digital training and education should support a workforce in which people can acquire specialised digital skills to get quality jobs and rewarding careers in much greater numbers than today, with convergence between women and men. In addition, an essential enabler for taking advantage of the benefits of digitisation, for further technological developments and for Europe’s digital leadership is a sustainable digital infrastructure for connectivity, microelectronics and the ability to process vast data. Excellent and secure connectivity for everybody and everywhere in Europe including in rural and remote areas40 is needed. Societal needs for upload and download bandwidth are constantly growing. By 2030, networks with gigabit speeds should become available at accessiffordable conditions for all those who need or wish to have such capacity. Convergent conditions for investments in digital infrastructures will be needed in order to create a framework where all relevant digital market players make a fair and proportionate contribution for the cost of usage of network operators’ digital infrastructure. Moreover, microprocessors which are already today at the start of most of the key, strategic value chains are expected to be in even higher demand in the future, in particular the most innovative ones. Climate neutral highly secure edge node guaranteeing access to data services with low latency wherever businesses are located and quantum capacity are also expected to be critical enablers. _________________ 40 Long-term Vision for the EU’s Rural Areas. COM(2021) 345 final.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 240 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point g
(g) facilitate fair and convergent conditions for investments in digital transformation throughout the Union, including by strengthening the synergies between the use of Union and national funds, and developing predictable regulatory approaches, including the setting up of an adequate framework requiring all relevant digital market players to make a fair and proportionate contribution for the cost of usage of network operators’ digital infrastructure;
Committee: ITRE