7 Amendments of Ilana CICUREL related to 2020/2015(INI)

Amendment 9 #
1. Recalls that artificial intelligence (AI) should serve humanity and that its benefits should be widely shared; stresses that, in the long-term, AI may surpass human intellectual capacity; stresses the need therefore to establish safeguards such as regular human control and verification of AI decision-making;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses that the EU should play an essential role in laying down basic principles on the development, programming and use of AI, notably in its regulations and codes of conduct, and in setting out a coordinated approach to deployment of artificial intelligence among its Member States;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 27 #
3. Recalls that AI cannot only perform activities which used to be exclusively human, but that it can also acquire and develop autonomous and cognitive features, through experience learning; stresses that AI systems can autonomously create and generate cultural and creative works, with only minimum human input; notes, moreover, that AI systems can evolve in an unpredictable way, by creating original works unknown to their initial programmers; reiterates, nevertheless, that in the field of culture, artificial intelligence should assist and not replace the creative human mind;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 44 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Expresses concern about the vacuum left between IPR and the development of AI, which could make cultural and creative industries and education sectors vulnerable to AI- generated copyright-protected works, and is concerned about possible infringement of intellectual property; calls on the Commission to support a horizontal and technologically neutral approach to IPR applicable to AI-generated works;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Notes the development of artificial intelligence capacities in the dissemination of fake news and the creation of deep fakes; is worried by the breaches of intellectual property rights that could result;
Committee: CULT
Amendment 60 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Emphasises that artificial intelligence can also be an effective tool for detecting and reporting the presence of copyright-protected content online; emphasises too the need to address the issue of liability for copyright infringements made by AI systems, as well as the issue of data ownership.
Committee: CULT
Amendment 65 #
6a. Stresses the importance of streaming services being transparent and responsible in their use of algorithms, so access to cultural content in various forms and different languages and impartial access to European works may be better guaranteed;
Committee: CULT