2 Amendments of Sylvie GODDYN related to 2015/2132(BUD)

Amendment 2 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Is concerned at the situation in the fisheries sector, which must maintain its competitiveness while complying with the demands of the common fisheries policy (CFP) and the requirements of sound fishery resource management under arrangements to manage stocks above the biomass levels at which the maximum sustainable yield can be achieved; is concerned at the industry's and national authorities' difficulties in meeting the landing obligation; stresses that the efforts sought from fishermen have already enabled many stocks to attain the maximum sustainable yield;
Committee: PECH
Amendment 8 #
7a. Points out that the EMFF must be sufficiently primed to help the small-scale fishing industry renew its fishing gear in order to meet the severe constraints connected with the landing obligation; considers that, since that obligation arises from a regulation, all the expenses incurred by fishermen in this regard should be covered by the EMFF;
Committee: PECH