1 Amendments of Véronique DE KEYSER related to 2008/2026(BUD)

Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Welcomes the humanitarian aid allocated by the Commission immediately after the outbreak of the Georgia crisis, which is needed in order to alleviate the suffering of conflict-affected people in Georgia and of refugees who have fled to the Russian Federation; insists that the current amounts under Heading 4 do not allow for the provision of reconstruction assistance to the conflict-affected areas of Georgia, and therefore asks the Council to allocate additional means to that end; at the same time, asks the Commission to analyse the needs in respect of reconstruction assistance and to keep Parliament continuously informed so as to ensure the accountability of any steps to be taken in this regard; insists that international donors are to be strongly involved in carrying out the reconstruction of Georgia;
Committee: AFET