1 Amendments of Zita GURMAI related to 2011/0412(COD)

Amendment 13 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 13
(13) Furthermore, whilst democracy and human rights objectives must be increasingly mainstreamed in all external assistance financing instruments, Union assistance under this Regulation will have a specific complementary and additional role by virtue of its global nature and its independence of action from the consent of third country governments and other public authorities. This will allow for cooperation with civil society on democracy issues and sensitive human rights and democracy issues possiblesuch as gender equality, providing the flexibility to respond to changing circumstances. It should also provide Union capacity to articulate and support specific objectives and measures at international level which are neither geographically linked nor crisis related and which may require a transnational approach or involve operations both within the Union and in a range of third countries. Moreover, it will provide the necessary framework for operations, such as support for independent European Union election observation missions requiring policy coherence, a unified management system and common operating standards.
Committee: FEMM