3 Amendments of András GYÜRK related to 2016/0027(COD)

Amendment 142 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 1 – paragraph 1
(1) By 30 June1 December 2020, Member States shall allow the use of the 694-790 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing wireless broadband electronic communications services only under harmonised technical conditions set by the Commission pursuant to Article 4 of Decision 676/2002/EC. Where necessary, Member States shall carry out the authorisation process or amend relevant existing rights to use the spectrum in accordance with Directive 2002/20/EC, in order to allow that use.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 147 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 1 – paragraph 3
(3) Member States shall not be bound by the obligations under paragraphs 1 and 2 in geographical areas where frequency coordination with non-Union countries remains unresolved, as long as Member States make all practicable efforts to minimise the duration and geographical scope of such unresolved coordination and annually report the results to the Commission until the outstanding coordination issues have been resolved. In certain cases, when the 694-790 MHz frequency band remains permanently empty in a Member State due to the non- compliance of a neighbouring non-Union country, a Union level coordinated compensation scheme shall be developed. This paragraph shall also apply to the spectrum coordination problems in the Republic of Cyprus arising from the fact that the Government of Cyprus is prevented from exercising effective control in part of its territory.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 156 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 3 – paragraph 1
When Member States authorise the use of the 694-790 MHz frequency band or amend existing rights to use the 694-790 MHz frequency band, they shall take all necessary measures to ensure a high- quality level of coverage of their population and territory at speeds of at least 30 Mb/s, both indoors and outdoors, includingdue account of the opportunity to increase the level and quality of services and coverage of their population and territory through services deployed in the band. This may include measures aimed at services in pre- determined national priority areas where necessary, ande.g. along major terrestrial transport pathroutes. Such measures may include conditions facilitating or encouraging sharing network infrastructure or spectrum in compliance with Union law.
Committee: ITRE