8 Amendments of László SURJÁN related to 2013/2082(INI)

Amendment 30 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point b
(b) Violence against religious communities, with political, socio- economic or ideological roots, persists in many parts of the world; clear condemnation by the European Union of all forms of violence and discrimination should be a basic element of EU policy in the area of freedom of religion or belief. Particular attention should be given to the position of those who changed their religion or belief, as in practice they are often the subject of social pressures, intimidation or outright violence.
Committee: AFET
Amendment 41 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point f
(f) As the draft Guidelines state, in accordance with the principles accepted by the international community, manifestation of freedom of religion or belief may be subject only to «such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others»7 ; this is an exhaustive list: limitations in order to protect, for example, national security are therefore not permitted; at the same time, the limitations must be proportionate with regard to the protected rights of others and the right balance must be achieved; the proportionality criterion should therefore be stressed in the Guidelines.
Committee: AFET
Amendment 43 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point g
(g) While freedom of religion or belief and freedom of expression are mutually reinforcing rights, in cases where these two rights are invoked against each other, the EU should also recall that modern media tools can afford a close interconnectedness between cultures and faiths. Therefore steps need to be taken to avoid inter- cultural violence as a reaction to acts of freedom of expression related to criticism and especially ridicule; the EU should help in reducing such tensions, for example by promoting mutual understanding and dialogue.
Committee: AFET
Amendment 47 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point h
(h) It should be stressed in the Guidelines that an indispensable part of freedom of religion or belief is the right to manifest the freedom of religion or belief in community with others; this includes: - the freedom to worship or assembly in connection with a religion or belief, and to establish and maintain places of worship and religious sites, for these purposes; - the freedom to establish and maintain appropriate religious, social and charitable institutions with legal personality and organisational acharitable or humanitarian institutions; - the freedom to solicit and receive voluntary financial and other contributionomy, including the freedom to appoint personnel and leaders of these institutions without external interference from the state,s from individuals and institutions. - the freedom to train, appoint, elect or designate by succession appropriate leaders called for by the freedom to provide religious teaching and training, the freedom to exercise one's ministry, the freedom to observe days of rest and to celebrate holidays and ceremonies in accordance with the precepts of one'squirements and standards of any religion or belief; - the freedom to establish and maintain communications with individuals and communities in matters of religion orand belief andt the freedom to carry out charitable activitienational and international levels. Equally, it should be noted in the Guidelines that the right to exercise religion in community with others should not unnecessarily be limited to officially recognised places of worship, and that all undue limitations to the freedom of assembly should be condemned by the EU.
Committee: AFET
Amendment 53 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point i
(i) The EU should take action when registration requirements for religious or belief-related organisations unduly limit the freedom of religion or belief. Registration should not be understood as a prerequisite for the enjoyment of one's human right to freedom of religion or belief, as that right cannot be conditional upon administrative or legal requirements. The EU should call for the abolishment of any legislation, such as the mandatory registration of one's religion in civil status documents, if this legislation leads to discrimination against persons holding non-religious beliefs or persons who have changed their religion or belief;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 73 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point q
(q) The EU should continue its initiatives in various multilateral fora in order to promote and protect the freedom of religion or belief. Whenever relevant, the EU will assist third countries in drawing up legislation promoting and protecting freedom of religion or belief.
Committee: AFET
Amendment 74 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point r
(r) In accordance with Article 36 of the Treaty on the European Union, the European Parliament should be involved in the evaluation of the implementation of the Guidelines which should take place no later than three years after the Guidelines have come into force. The evaluation should be based on an analysis of the EU response to concrete situations related to the violation of freedom of religion or belief in third countries. The European Parliament should be regularly informed of areas or developments of concern, as reported by the EU delegations. Its relevant committees will receive detailed information.
Committee: AFET
Amendment 75 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 – point r a (new)
(r a) The EU Special Representative on Human Rights should see the protection of freedom of religion or belief as an important aspect of his/her mandate and will have a visible role in promoting this freedom through the external relations of the EU. He/she should be formally charged to liaise with the European Parliament on this issue and engage in a structural dialogue with relevant non- governmental organisations such as EPRID.
Committee: AFET