6 Amendments of Anna ZÁBORSKÁ related to 2010/2239(INI)

Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Recital A a (new)
Aa. whereas the Member States are responsible for pensions and whereas their competence in this field should be respected;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Recital A a (new)
Aa. whereas people who devote their time and skills to bringing up children or caring for the elderly should receive social recognition, and whereas this could be done by giving such persons individual rights, particularly regarding pensions,
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 17 #
Draft opinion
Recital C a (new)
Ca. whereas home caregivers remain discriminated against in terms of the failure to count their years of work towards pensions and other entitlements;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 41 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Calls on the Member States to address the structural factors contributing to inequality in pension schemes, including the organisation of care and combining family and work life, inequalities in the labour market, the gender pay gap and direct discrimination in second and third pillar pensions;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 42 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 b (new)
2b. Calls on the Member States to include in the pension calculation the time and investment involved in looking after dependents, whatever their age or degree of dependency;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 60 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Calls on the Member States to find ways to prevent female employment on the labour market being adversely affected by measures to support, evaluate or enhance the value of work in the home; calls, therefore, for the impact on society and female employment of measures to recognise work done in the home to be assessed, including by means of a costed calculation for pension purposes;
Committee: FEMM