Activities of Petr BYSTRON

Plenary speeches (4)

Reinforcing EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia (debate)
Misinformation and disinformation on social media platforms, such as TikTok, and related risks to the integrity of elections in Europe (debate)
Russia’s disinformation and historical falsification to justify its war of aggression against Ukraine (debate)
Russia’s disinformation and historical falsification to justify its war of aggression against Ukraine (debate)

Institutional motions (2)

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the People’s Republic of China’s misinterpretation of the UN resolution 2758 and its continuous military provocations around Taiwan
Dossiers: 2024/2891(RSP)
Documents: PDF(131 KB) DOC(45 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on reinforcing EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia
Documents: PDF(141 KB) DOC(48 KB)

Written questions (4)

Housing crisis in the EU – urgent need to repeal Directive 2024/1275 on the energy performance of buildings
Documents: PDF(66 KB) DOC(12 KB)
‘REspect!’ – first censorship agency in Germany under the Digital Services Act
Documents: PDF(57 KB) DOC(11 KB)
Question on penalties to be imposed on manufacturers from 2025 under the Regulation on CO2 emissions from light-duty vehicles
Documents: PDF(65 KB) DOC(12 KB)
New EU fleet-wide CO2 emission standards for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles
Documents: PDF(70 KB) DOC(12 KB)

Individual motions (2)

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on enabling Member States to opt-out of EU migration policy
Documents: PDF(136 KB) DOC(44 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on initiating dialogue with the United States under president-elect Donald J. Trump
Documents: PDF(129 KB) DOC(43 KB)