Activities of Mary KHAN

Plenary speeches (6)

Need to prevent security threats like the Solingen attack through addressing illegal migration and effective return (debate)
The reintroduction of internal border controls in a number of Member States and its impact on the Schengen Area (debate)
Strengthening the security of Europe’s external borders: need for a comprehensive approach and enhanced Frontex support (debate)
One-minute speeches (Rule 179)
Managing migration in an effective and holistic way through fostering returns (debate)
Full accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Schengen Area: the urgent need to lift controls at internal land borders (debate)

Written explanations (1)

Election of the Commission

Die Kommission von der Leyen muss entschieden abgelehnt werden.Sie steht für eine Umweltpolitik, die Bürger und Unternehmen übermäßig belastet, für eine verstärkte Zentralisierung Europas und für einen ideologisch geprägten „woken“ Kurs. All das widerspricht grundlegenden Prinzipien, die verteidigt werden müssen.Trotz meiner intensiven Teilnahme an den Anhörungen der designierten Kommissare wurden viele wichtige Bedenken ignoriert.Besonders problematisch sind einige der vorgeschlagenen Kandidaten: Eine Kommissarin, die sich entschieden gegen Kernenergie stellt, ein anderer, der die politische Zentralisierung und Föderalisierung Europas vorantreiben möchte, und eine Kandidatin, die vor allem die „Integration von Geschlechterperspektiven“ und eine höhere Frauenquote in Unternehmensvorständen durchsetzen will – angeblich, um die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Industrie zu stärken.Diese Personalentscheidungen zeigen eine klare Richtung: mehr Ideologie, mehr Belastungen, noch weniger Souveränität. Eine solche Ausrichtung kann und darf nicht akzeptiert werden.Deshalb wird diese Kommission konsequent abgelehnt.

Written questions (4)

Housing crisis in the EU – urgent need to repeal Directive 2024/1275 on the energy performance of buildings
Documents: PDF(66 KB) DOC(12 KB)
Threats to data protection and sovereignty owing to surveillance through the ‘EU Digital Travel App’, the Commission’s Trojan horse
Documents: PDF(52 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Commission study into the cost of illegal migration
Documents: PDF(52 KB) DOC(11 KB)
Foreseeable overburdening of the German asylum administration owing to the return of Syrians in view of the implementation of EU law and compliance with the rule of law
Documents: PDF(53 KB) DOC(10 KB)

Individual motions (2)

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on enabling Member States to opt-out of EU migration policy
Documents: PDF(136 KB) DOC(44 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on initiating dialogue with the United States under president-elect Donald J. Trump
Documents: PDF(129 KB) DOC(43 KB)

Amendments (2)

Amendment 1 #


Proposal for a regulation
Recital 16
(16) The storage of a facial image and two fingerprints (‘biometric data’) on identity and residence cards, as already provided for in respect of biometric passports for Union citizens and residence permits for third-country nationals, repres does not represent an appropriate combination of reliable identification and authentication with a reduced risk of fraud, for the purpose of strengthening the security of identity and residence cards. It is a too strong violation of the right to privacy of the citizents ain appropriate combination of reliable identification and authentication with a reduced risk of fraud, for the purpose of strengthening the security of identity and residence cards. Asfavor of ever increased possibilities for state control. It also is too big of a risk for cybercriminality: if those fingerprints are stolen from the storage medium on the identity card, they can be used worldwide for all kinds of identity- related fraud and theft. And as they are unique and cannot be changed, the theft of these fingerprints would form a life- long risk for the citizen who is the victim of it. Even if the Court of Justice confirmed, strictly juridical, that the mandatory inclusion of fingerprints on the storage medium is compatible with the fundamental rights to respect for private life and to protection of personal data as guaranteed in Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter, there are other values at stake here, such as a fundamental choice for the privacy of the citizens over ever increasing possibilities for state control, and the strict avoiding of new forms of cybercrime.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 21 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 5
5. Identity cards shall include a highly secure storage medium which shall contain a facial image of the holder of the card and two fingerprints in interoperable digital formats. For the capture of biometric identifiers, Member States shall apply the technical specifications as established by Commission Implementing Decision C(2018) 776712 as amended by Commission Implementing Decision C(2021) 372613 . _________________ 12 Commission Implementing Decision C(2018) 7767 of 30 November 2018 laying down the technical specifications for the uniform format for residence permits for third country nationals and repealing Decision C(2002) 3069. 13 Commission Implementing Decision C(2021) 3726 of 4 June 2021 amending Annex III to Implementing Decision C(2018) 7767 as regards the list of normative references.
Committee: LIBE