11 Amendments of Joachim STREIT related to 2024/0176(BUD)

Amendment 34 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Notes with concern that while inflation has begun to subside compared to previous years’ peaks, its prolonger termd impact on the cost of living, energy, and food prices continues to be a burden on households’ purchasing power and companies’ competitiveness and productivityremains a significant challenge for households and a threat to companies’ competitiveness and productivity, necessitating a cautious and responsible fiscal approach; stresses that, against this background, a balanced combination of policy responses comprising, including targeted regulatory, fiscal, and budgetary measures will have to be deploy, must be carefully considered to adequately address the broad range of challenges while ensuring economic stability and sustainability; reminds that the Union budget, in complementarity with the national budgets of the Member States and private finance should play a central role in this regard; recalls that the EU budget is an investment budget in lineshould be focused on strategic investments that align with the Union’s politicalcore priorities and programmes which generates a return on investment and growth possibilities; emphasises that the 2024 European Parliament elections have sent a clear message for more solidarity between Member States and more investm, providing measurable returns and fostering sustainable economic growth; stresses the importance of prioritizing spending that delivers tangible benefits for citizents in policies and programmand businesses, which improve people’s lives; highlights that this call must not be answered by ever more budgetary cuts and by a reduction in badly needed resources to help people go through these difficult timle ensuring fiscal discipline and accountability in the use of public funds, while avoiding unnecessary cuts that could harm essential services ;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 61 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Is adamant that, in times of geopolitical and institutional change, financial pressure, climate change, migration and societal challenges, a reliable, robust, flexible, and investment- oriented EU budget remains instrumental for the implementation ofing the Union’s policies and central in responding to people’s increasing needs, leaving no-one behind through the green and digital transitions, in delivering prosperity and security for people and in boosting the competitiveness of the Union economy; to defend the social dimension of Union spending in all policy areas, in other words, we will work to r. However, it is crucial to emphasize fiscal responsibility and ensure a balanced approach to budget priorities, allowing for effective responses to diverse challenges while contributing to the overall prosperity and security of the Union. Reinforceing budgetary lines that have a direct impact on improving people's lives;, ensuring that funding is allocated efficiently and transparently, with measurable outcomes.
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 82 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. RegretsTakes note of the Council’s approach to adopt for what it calls “a prudent budgeting, creating artificial margins under the MFF ceilings; notes that the Council, in its position on the 2025 budget, and similar to 2024, reduces strategy, ensuring fiscal discipline and creating necessary margins under the MFF ceilings to accommodate future uncertainties; recognizes the need to carefully manage appropriations dedicated for EURI borrowing costs; points out that the Council’s and encourages a responsition to cover only around 35% of the overrun costs by the EURI Special Instrument runs counter to the 50:50 benchmark that the Council itself insisted on during the MFF negotiationble approach that minimizes long-term debt burdens on Member States and taxpayers; alerts that in order to finance the difference and create additional unallocated margin (mostly in H2b but also in other headings, presumably in view of using it in future years through the SMI), sizeable reductions to a number of flagship programme envelopes have been proposed that have repercussions in 2025 as well as in 2026 and 2027; recalls that the most affected programmes, Horizon Europe, CEF digital and Erasmus, are well- established priorities for the European Parliament and flagship programmes of the Union; highlights that the Council targets for reductions are across several headings and even touch some programmes that were already subject to the MFF redeployments, such as Horizon, reduced by 400 million; or lines that were topped up in previous years, such as Erasmus+, reduced by 295 million, EU4Health or LIFE;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 87 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Recalls the Interinstitutional Agreement adopted as part of the 2020 MFF agreement, whereby expenditure to cover NGEU financing costs “shall aim at not reducing programmes and funds”; questions whether the Council’s approach is in line with the MFF agreement on the cascadecalls for a balanced approach that safeguards essential programmes while adhering to fiscal responsibility, and questions whether all aspects of the MFF agreement, including flexibility and prioritization, are being appropriately considered by the Council in its approach;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 90 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Intends, therefore, to restore the cuts proposed by Council; to ensure that programmes are properly resourced and thatAims to ensure that essential programmes are adequately resourced while maintaining budgetary discipline and prioritizing spending that delivers tangible results; emphasizes the need to safeguard the budget’s flexibility and response capacity are maintained throughout the annual budgetary procedure by focusing on efficient and effective allocation of resources; insists on the need for the Commission to provide reliable, timely and accurate information on NGEU borrowing costs and on expected Recovery and Resilience Facility disbursements throughout the budgetary procedure; recalls that Parliament is deeply concerned about the impact of the inherent uncertainty for the EURI interest line and questions the forecast from the Commission on NGEU borrowing costs and expected Recovery and Resilience Facility disbursements throughout the budgetary procedure, ensuring that financial risks are minimized and the Union’s fiscal stability is not compromised;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 94 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Underlines, once again, that repayment of the EURI borrowing costs is a legal obligation for the Union and a non- discretionary expenditure item in the EU budget; is adamant, therefore to cater fully and timely for the NGEU repayment costs that will fall due in 2025emphasizes the need for careful planning and fiscal discipline to ensure that the NGEU repayment costs due in 2025 are fully and timely met without compromising other essential budgetary commitments; agrees to apply, in this regard, the newly established EURI cascade mechanism, in the letter and the spirit of the recently revised MFF Regulation; proposes to finance 65% of the overrun costs by the de-commitment compartment of the EURI Special Instrument; deemconsiders the margin of EUR 46.2 million, which was programmed before the DB was submitted, to beprior to the submission of the DB, as available for reinforcing critical programmes under the ceiling of Heading 2b, provided that these funds are used efficiently and align with the Union’s strategic priorities of economic growth, and stability ; intends to revisit the amendments linked to the cascade mechanism once the Amending Letter provides updated estimations of the actual needs for the EURI line in 2025;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 129 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
26. Underlines the key role cohesion policy can plays in delivering on Union policy priorities and boosting the Union economy by contributing to fair and sustainable growth and development, promoting economicsupporting balanced economic development across the Union, provided it respects the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, and sfocial convergence between countries and regions, supporting the green anduses on fostering economic growth, innovation, digital transitions, and fostering innovation and employmentemployment through targeted investments, while ensuring efficient use of resources and avoiding unnecessary bureaucracy; calls on the Commission and the Member States to accelerate the implementation of cohesion policy; with a strong emphasis on accountability, measurable outcomes, ensuring that funds are directed towards projects that deliver tangible benefits and respect the unique needs and conditions of each Member State and region;"
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 195 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 39
39. Underlines the significance of the social dimension in the Union budget and the need for effective social dialogue, proper information and training for workers’ organisations; free movement of workers, coordination of social security schemes and the EaSI strand of ESF+; reinforces, therefore, financing for the relevant lines;deleted
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 228 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 48
48. Recalls that programmes under Heading 4 play a key role inare essential for reinforceing funding for migration and effective border management in light of theand addressing migratoryion challenges resulting from, particularly in response to the current geopolitical context, and to ensure necessary funding for the full accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the Schengen Area;; emphasizes the importance of ensuring adequate resources for securing the Union’s external borders, combating illegal immigration, and enhancing the capacity for swift and efficient asylum processing, while prioritizing the security and safety of Member States and their citizens.
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 230 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 49
49. Underlines that instability in neighbouring regions, as well as poverty and underlying trends in economic underdevelopment, and demographic changes, globalisati con tin transport and communications continue to createue to drive irregular migration flows towards the Union, placing significant pressure on programmes and agencies under Heading 4; calls for enhanced measures to secure external borders, address the root causes of migration, and ensure that the Union’s resources are used effectively to protect its citizens and maintain social cohesion
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 244 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 51
51. Underlines the important role that the Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI) plays in managing the Union’s external borders and in particular in supporting Member States with reinforced border protection capabilities including physical infrastructure, buildings, equipment, systems and services required at border crossing points; underlines that the instrument should also support the acceleration of Romania’s and Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen area, ensuring that any increase in funding is directly linked to measurable improvements in border security and management; proposes therefore to increase appropriations for the BMVI by EUR 35 million above DB;
Committee: BUDG