Activities of Marlena MALĄG

Plenary speeches (12)

The crisis facing the EU’s automotive industry, potential plant closures and the need to enhance competitiveness and maintain jobs in Europe (debate)
Topical debate (Rule 169) - Taxing the super-rich to end poverty and reduce inequalities: EU support to the G20 Presidency’s proposal (topical debate)
Ensuring sustainable, decent and affordable housing in Europe - encouraging investment, private property and public housing programmes (debate)
Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States (debate)
Dossiers: 2024/0599(NLE)
Findings of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on Poland's abortion law (debate)
Need to strengthen rail travel and the railway sector in Europe (debate)
Closing the EU skills gap: supporting people in the digital and green transitions to ensure inclusive growth and competitiveness in line with the Draghi report (debate)
Urgent need to tackle the gender pay gap (debate)
Regional Emergency Support: RESTORE (debate)
Tackling abusive subcontracting and labour market intermediaries (debate)
Addressing EU demographic challenges: towards the implementation of the 2023 Demography Toolbox (debate)
Cryptocurrencies - need for global standards (debate)

Shadow opinions (2)

OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the EU agencies for the financial year 2023
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2024/2030(DEC)
Documents: PDF(167 KB) DOC(54 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Romana TOMC', 'mepid': 125104}]
OPINION on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of Commission for the financial year 2023
Committee: EMPL
Dossiers: 2024/2019(DEC)
Documents: PDF(134 KB) DOC(47 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Romana TOMC', 'mepid': 125104}]

Institutional motions (4)

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the devastating floods in central and eastern Europe, the loss of lives and the EU’s preparedness to act on such disasters exacerbated by climate change
Dossiers: 2024/2817(RSP)
Documents: PDF(163 KB) DOC(49 KB)
JOINT MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the devastating floods in central and eastern Europe, the loss of lives and the EU’s preparedness to act on such disasters exacerbated by climate change
Documents: PDF(187 KB) DOC(56 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION Iraq, notably the situation of women’s rights and recent proposal to amend the Personal Status Law
Dossiers: 2024/2858(RSP)
Documents: PDF(148 KB) DOC(45 KB)
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on reinforcing EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia
Documents: PDF(157 KB) DOC(53 KB)

Written questions (6)

Political pressure on content moderation and limiting freedom of speech in social media
Documents: PDF(66 KB) DOC(11 KB)
Flood risk information provided to Poland via the Copernicus European alert system
Documents: PDF(60 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Flooding in Central and Eastern Europe
Documents: PDF(54 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Mass redundancies at PKP CARGO S.A. as part of a restructuring plan
Documents: PDF(55 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Classification by the Customs Code Committee of automotive gas installation kits for internal combustion engines or similar products under CN code 90328900
Documents: PDF(63 KB) DOC(10 KB)
Consequences of the conclusion of negotiations on the EU-Mercosur Partnership Agreement
Documents: PDF(54 KB) DOC(10 KB)

Amendments (59)

Amendment 63 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas demographic challenges, including an ageing population, low birth rates and rural depopulation, profoundly affect the sustainability of welfare systems and aggravate further the regional disparities in the EU, and hence represent a structural challenge for the EU economy, and whereas, as underlined in the Draghi report, sustainable growth in Europe depends to a large extent on the inclusion of the active population in the labour market and on a robust welfare system;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 178 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Calls for the implementation of a European action plan for mental health, in line with the Commission’s recent recommendations2 ; calls for the European Semester to address the socio-economic impact of loneliness on productivity and well-being by promoting an EU strategy addressing undesired loneliness that, in turn, can foster intergenerational solidarity, silver economy and strengthen emotional support programmes for young people and older adults; _________________ 2 Commission communication of 7 June 2023 on a comprehensive approach to mental health (COM(2023)0298).
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 182 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4 a. Underlines that employers need to foster intergenerational links within the company and intergenerational learning between the young and the old, and vice versa; underlines that an ageing workforce can help a business develop new products and services to adapt to the needs of an ageing society in a more creative and productive way; further calls for the creation of incentives to encourage volunteering and mentoring to induce the transfer of knowledge between generations;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 208 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. Calls for demographic challenges to be prioritised in the EU’s cohesion policy and for its importance to be equated with the Green Deal and the Digital Strategy; calls on the Commission to declare a ‘European Year of Demography’ and to step up funding for rural and outermost areas and regions with a high rate of depopulation, supporting local development projects and basic infrastructure that favour the ‘right to stay’ of the population;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 222 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7 a. Calls on the Commission to conduct competitiveness checks on every new legislative proposal, taking into account the overall impact of EU legislation on companies, as well as on other EU policies and programmes;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 1 #


Motion for a resolution
Citation 3 a (new)
– having regard to the Communication from the Commission of 20 March 2024 to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Labour shortages and skills in the EU: an action plan,
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 7 #


Motion for a resolution
Citation 15 a (new)
– having regard to its resolution of 19 May 2022 on the creation of a European education area by 2025 - micro-credentials, individual learning accounts and learning for a sustainable environment (2022/2568(RSP)),
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 24 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital C
C. whereas different vulnerable groups have different needs, such as women in poverty, labour migrants, children,children, young people, people with disabilities, precarious workers and elderly people; with disabilities and elderly peoplehereas the EU has a particular need to support and strengthen the skills of citizens and workers, and to continue to invest in education, training and lifelong learning, and to encourage innovation; whereas the digital and green transition is much needed but also brings challenges for all people and all workers, and whereas to succeed in this endeavour, the EU must ensure a just transition that does not lose sight of workers and vulnerable peopletakes well- being and prosperity of the EU citizens as a priority;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 52 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital E a (new)
Ea. whereas the population of the EU is decreasing; whereas depopulation is taking place in some EU regions and there is an increasing concentration of the population in certain urban areas making development and cohesion difficult; whereas the average life expectancy of men and women has increased by an average of 10 years over the last 50 years;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 60 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital E b (new)
Eb. whereas programmes, projects and actions that promote active ageing and intergenerational ties can be supported through the European Structural and Investment Funds, including the ESF+;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 66 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Insists that the ESF+ must continue to be the key and primary instrument for supporting the Member States, people and regions in strengthening the social dimension of the Unionregions and people in strengthening the social dimension of the Union and to pursue socio-economic development that leaves no one behind, recognising the region as a level closer to the citizen in defining needs and territorial diversity as a resource requiring the development of specific solutions, also to respond to the challenges of demographic and technological change;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 76 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Insists that the objectives of the ESF+ should be to achieve high employment, training and skills levels with adequate wages, decent working conditions, healthy working environments and social security coverage, in order to develop a skilled, competitive and resilient workforce, ready for the twin transition and the future world of work, and to build fair social protections and inclusive and cohesive societies, with the aims of increasing labour market participation among the inactive population, eradicating poverty and delivering on the principles and the headline targets set out in the EPSR;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 90 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Calls for a strong, reinforced, stand- alone ESF+ with significantly increased public support for existing instruments aimed at providing for the poorest in our societies; insists, therefore, on doublincreasing the funding for the ESF+ post-2027;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 97 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Believes that shared management, multi-level governance and the principles of subsidiarity and partnership are the foundations for the Fund in the context of cohesion policies, and that a different ESF+ governance would lead to the loss of priority given to social aspects, including employment, education, training and social inclusion projects, and to the funding not reaching local levels and those most in need, while increasing the risk of reallocation of funds for other purposes;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 119 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Underlines that the ESF+ post-2027 should invest in tackling enduring social challenges such as negative demographic trends and stay close to the general and specific objectives set out in the current ESF+; emphasises the importance of the fund’s principles of shared management, clear objectives and thematic concentrations, and that most of the fund should be spent as close as possible to those using the fundreiterates that the fund - while respecting the principle of multi- level governance - should be planned and implemented in close cooperation with those using the fund, maintaining the current diversity in programme forms (national, regional) that allows for better adaptation to territorial needs and requirements;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 130 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Stresses that the ESF+ shcould not be used to respond to emergencies or crises only in exceptional cases as the Fund has its long-term objectives that need to be addressed in the first place; insists that a social rescue facility capable of reacting to social emergencies and crisis situations should supplement the ESF+; calls on the Commission to build on the success of the temporary EU instrument launched in 2020, entitled ‘Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE)’, in fighting temporary unemployment, and to put forward an EU unemployment reinsurance scheme without further delay;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 143 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Insists that the ESF+ should target the most disadvantaged people in our societies, regardless of their sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, or racial or ethnic origin – in particular marginalised communities such as Roma people, people with disabilities or chronic diseases, homeless people, children and elderly people; underlines that the ESF+ must be inclusive, with special attention given to all kinds of families, including single-parent families, families with more than two parents and rainbow famparadigm of the ESF+ should be shifted from individuals to communities; underlines the importance of supporting families as well as rural, peripheral and outermost regions which are still lagging behind in terms of connectivity and accessibiliesty;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 160 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Calls on the Commission, in the light of current challenges, to include in the specific objectives of the ESF+ theactive ageing and promotion of the just transition, the socio- economic integration of migrants, including labour migrants, the social inclusion of women who are victims of gender-based violence and the integration of older peopleintergenerational solidarity, support for depopulating areas, support for vocational training and school-to-work transition;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 164 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 a (new)
12a. Recalls that the objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights state that every person has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning, in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable full participation in society and manage successful transitions in the labour market, and therefore the ESF+ must continue to play a key role in pursuing this objective, together with those of active support for employment and flexible and secure jobs;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 169 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Stresses that reaching the EPSR’s targets on poverty becomes challenging, unless specific support is dedicated to alleviating the pressure on social protection systems and mitigating the social impact of crises; insists on dedicating support to ensure decent living conditions for all, with access to high-quality essential services; calls for the EU anti-poverty strategy, outlined in Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s political guidelines for the 2024-2029 term, to be implemented via the ESF+, with its binding poverty- reduction targets, national living wage indices and reference budgets used as benchmarks, applying a multidimensional approach;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 177 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Stresses that addressing child poverty requires appropriately funded, comprehensive and integrated measures, together with the implementation of the European Child Guarantee at national level, and insists that it constitute a central pillar of the EU anti-poverty strategy; repeats its previous demands for the ESF+ post-2027 to include a dedicated budget of at least EUR 20 billion for the European Child Guarantee; insists that all the Member States should allocate at least 5 % of their ESF+ resources to the European Child Guarantee and at least 10 % for those Member States with a higher portion of children at risk of poverty or social exclusion;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 185 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Urges the Commission to raise the earmarking for social inclusion beyond the current 25 % and the earmarking for food aid and basic material assistance for the most deprived persons to 5 %, in response to rising living and food costs;deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 196 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Shares the ambition to prioritise the tackling of the housing crises, and insists that the ESF+ post-2027 should enhance timely and equal access to affordable, decent, sustainable and high-quality services promoting access to housing; believes that all the Member States must invest at least 5 % of their ESF+ resources into tackling homelessnesunderlines that ESF+ resources could be used more often in order to adapt the existing buildings to the needs of persons with disabilities and older people who are often not able to live independently at their homes;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 206 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Emphasises the need to ensure sufficient financing of the ESF+ post-2027 for high-quality and public education and training for all, skills development, upskilling, reskilling and lifelong learning, and for the addressing of skills shortages, ensuring that individuals can successfully navigate labour market transitions also by encouraging cooperation between educational institutions, businesses and local authorities to develop solutions that respond in a targeted way to technological changes as well as new employment needs, including those caused by demographic change;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 228 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Calls for a strengthening of efforts to support the implementation of the Youth Guarantee with an increased earmarking for all Member States that dedicate at least 15 % of their ESF+ resources; repeats in this context its call on the Member States to ban unpaidand for facilitating access to employment; repeats in this context the importance of provision of quality traineeships;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 234 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Underlines the importance of the ESF+ in focusing on different groups with different needs; stresses, therefore, the importance of allocating support to projects on the socio-economic position of migrants, including labour migrants, the social inclusion of people with disabilities, the ageing population in society, women and children, and female-headedsingle- parent households; insists that the ESF+ post- 2027 incorporate other aspects of social inclusion, such as housing, health and family circumstances and the support of community-based services;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 241 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Stresses that the Employment and Social Innovation strand of the ESF+ provides support regarding the precarious situation of mobile workers and secures funding for trade union-related counselling; calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure permanent funding for national and transnational trade union counselling services for such workers;deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 253 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Calls for the ESF+ to boost the implementation of the European care strategy by investing in quality early childhood education and care, as well as care for older persons and persons with disabilities, through community-based, person-centred, high- quality, affordable and accessible care systems;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 257 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
22. Stresses that the implementation of the EPSR and the reforms needed to comply with the country-specific recommendations in the European Semester are also dependant on the strong support of the ESF+ for certain policy measures, especially those related to strengthening social welfare systems, ensuring inclusive and high-quality public education and training, reducing child poverty and eradicating homelessness and those relating to equal treatment and opportunities for women and men, which must be guaranteed and strengthened in all areas, including labour market participation, terms and conditions of employment and career advancement;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 269 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23
23. Calls on the Commission to allocate consistent financial resources to capacity- building, with the aims of empowering social partners to play a relevant role in areas of their competence, of strengthening their capacity to engage in social dialogue both at EU and national level and of enhancing social partners’ actions – and include technical assistance for these three purposes – with an adequate minimum percentage investment obligation from the Member States; further insists that social partners and CSOs should be guaranteed access to funding for social policy objectives in all the Member States on an equal basis;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 280 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 24
24. Underlines that it is of the utmost importance that small social enterprises and CSOs have access to all aspects of the ESF+; calls for an increas maintained co-financing rate of at least 90 % for measures targeting the most deprived implemented by CSOs, and at least 70 % for those implemented by social enterprises;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 290 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
25. Calls on the Member States to ensure that regional and local authorities and organisations have a say iare consulted on projects financed from national budgets;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 291 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25 a (new)
25a. Reiterates the need to ensure that the programming and management of the programmes supported by the future ESF+ are maintained at the most appropriate level in order to address the regional needs, taking into account the important role played by the regions in implementing policies for people;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 292 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26
26. Insists that the rules governing the use of the ESF+ must ensure and enhance compliance with the rule of law, the EU acquis, the highest EU social standards, social rights and democratic principles, and be aligned with the EPSR, the UN’s sustainable development goals and fundamental human and workers’ rights;deleted
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 297 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27
27. Calls for strong and more effective social conditionalities in rules on public procurement and concessions, with effective sanctions; eEncourages the Commission to create a comprehensive database, supplementing the Eurostat data, to allow for timely and reliable monitoring of the developments in employment, living conditions and industrial relations;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 316 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 30 a (new)
30a. Calls to increase spending from ESF+ for the training and retraining of older workers, to encourage companies to include older workers in all forms of training, adapting companies to employ older people and adapting public infrastructure and space to the needs of older people; requests to increase investing in public services in rural and depopulating areas which would attract the younger generation and increase the wellbeing of older people living in these areas;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 14 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital A a (new)
A a. whereas the main objective of the Banking Union is to safeguard the stability of the banking sector in Europe and prevent the need to bail out banks at risk of failure with taxpayers' money;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 16 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital A b (new)
A b. whereas the priority of the Banking Union should be to break the state-bank doom loop;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 26 #


Motion for a resolution
Recital C
C. whereas fragmentation and the lack of cross-border consolidationthe specific character of the EU banking sector is affecting its global competitiveness; whereas the profitability gap between EU and US banks has widened;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 59 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Notes that a more integrated BU would help to make the EU banking sector more resilient; notes that better cross- border integration of banking business would increase the potential for private risk sharing and ensure diversification in the EU banking market, however, the need to address the problems and challenges associated with the home-host dilemma; notes that greater cross-border market integration requires credible guarantees for host countries to be reflected in EU law;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 76 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Regrets that EU banks’ ability to finance major investments is constrained by higher costs, smaller scale and lower profitability that is not sufficient to ensure their competitiveness; notes, however, that the specific character of the EU banking system, with its large number of smaller banks, calls for solutions that take this into account and are tailored to its characteristics;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 85 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Acknowledges thatCalls on EU banks still operating in Russia have downsized their activity; calls on supervisory institutions to further assist those banks in pushing ahead with exitto exit the Russian market as soon as possible; calls on supervisory institutions to exert pressure ing the Russian marketis regard;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 88 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5
5. Notes that the creation of a separate jurisdiction for EU banks with substantial cross-border operations13would help to complete the BU; _________________ 13 Draghi report, p. 61.deleted
Committee: ECON
Amendment 99 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5 a. Highlights that euro area banks' exposure to domestic sovereign debt remains high, and draws attention to the risks involved; recalls that one of the main objectives of the Banking Union is to break the state-bank doom loop and the link between bank risk and sovereign risk; recalls that the risk of overexposure to sovereign debt has increased as a result of rising interest rates;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 113 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. Welcomes the adoption by co- legislators of the new banking package implementing Basel III standards in the EU; stresses that the Commission should evaluate thoroughly whether a delay in implementation is necessary to maintain the competitiveness of EU banks; welcomes, in this regard, the delegated act postponing the date of application of the new market risk framework by one year to 1 January 2026;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 137 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 a (new)
8 a. Draws attention to the rapid development of deferred payment services, which may affect the level of non- performing loans in the future;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 139 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Notes the lack of progress on the proposal for a directive on credit servicers, credit purchasers and the recovery of collateral, which intends to provide banks, under certain conditions, with a mechanism for accelerating the value recovery from secured loans via extrajudicial enforcement of procedures in order to further develop secondary markets for non-performing loans;deleted
Committee: ECON
Amendment 171 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
12. Stresses the need to enhance the resilience of non-bank financial intermediaries and establish a level playing field with the banking sector, including by designing specific regulatory and supervisory tools to prevent a liquidity crisis; points out that such measures must guarantee the security of the system and be in the best interests of the customer;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 179 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Welcomes the objective of the proposal on crisis management and deposit insurance of ensuring a more consistent approach across all Member States to the application of resolution tools and deposit protection to enhance financial stability, taxpayer protection and depositor confidence; notes that small banks do not pose any risks to financial stability;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 226 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20 a (new)
20 a. Draws attention to the issue of small banks, whose role in the local banking ecosystem can be regarded as fulfilling the public interest criterion; stresses that such banks stand no chance of meeting the MREL requirements; considers it appropriate for such banks to contribute to national deposit insurance schemes in order to permit an orderly winding-up;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 245 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22 a (new)
22 a. Recognises that a European deposit insurance scheme (EDIS) could improve protection for depositors in the EU; considers, however, that the main obstacle to the introduction of EDIS is risk concerns in some banking systems; stresses that mitigation of this risk is key to reaching an agreement on EDIS;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 261 #


Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 25
25. Recalls that breaking the link between bank and sovereign risk remains a challenge for the BU; emphasises that the risk on banks’ balance sheets can be reduced further through the regulatory treatment of sovereign exposures;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 34 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Appreciates the Foundation’s work on enhancing and disseminating knowledge, and providing evidence-based expertise to support the development of better informed social, employment and work-related policies in Europe, to analyse policy options to improve working conditions, industrial relations, employment and living, and to produce expertise on right to disconnect, telework, hybrid work and related impacts on work– life balance, psychosocial risks to workers’ well-being, intergenerational inequalities and quality of working conditions;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 43 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7 a. Welcomes the corrective action taken by the Foundation on the engagement of trainees and on the conditions for the update of their remuneration;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 55 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 15
15. Appreciates the Cedefop’s activities to provide research, analyses and technical advice and expertise in vocational education and training (VET), qualifications and skills policies, as well as modernisation of apprenticeships to compile and disseminate research on skills mismatches and labour shortages, and to ensure digital skills are integrated into VET across the Union, as well as, the Cedefop involvement in the 2023 European Year of Skills;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 71 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 23
23. Appreciates the Authority’s work to assist Member States and the Commission in ensuring a fair and effective enforcement of Union rules on labour mobility and coordination of social security systems, in facilitating effective labour mobility in Europe through European Employment Services (EURES) activities, joint inspections and to raising awareness, through training and information campaigns, about the rights and obligations of workers and employers;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 81 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 25
25. In this regards, notes the ECA’s opinion on an irregular contract awarding and subsequent irregular payments under this contract which in 2023 amounted to 1.32 million EUR and the Authority’s reply that the concerned contract was not renewed and ran until the end to avoid disruption in the Authority’s activities;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 87 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 27 a (new)
27 a. Notes that against ECA’s observation from the previous year, ELA continued to use an interim agent and a trainee to perform core financial activities associated with budget implementation in 2023;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 88 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 27 b (new)
27 b. Recalls that at the end of 2023, the proportion of ELA's temporary workers (seconded national experts and interims) remained high at 47 %;
Committee: EMPL