Activities of Marko VEŠLIGAJ

Plenary speeches (5)

One-minute speeches (Rule 179)
The important role of cities and regions in the EU – for a green, social and prosperous local development (debate)
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (debate)
Challenges facing EU farmers and agricultural workers: improving working conditions, including their mental well-being (debate)
Recommendation to the Council on the EU priorities for the 69th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women - EU priorities for the 69th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (joint debate - EU priorities for the upcoming session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women)

Written explanations (40)

Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × NK603

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je protiv odobrenja ovih genetski modificiranih organizama (kukuruz i pamuk) zbog zabrinutosti za zdravlje i okoliš.Smatra da GMO-ovi ne smiju biti odobreni bez jasnih znanstvenih dokaza o njihovoj sigurnosti. Također, postoji zabrinutost zbog nedostatka dugoročnih studija i mogućih negativnih učinaka na bioraznolikost i ljudsko zdravlje.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified cotton COT102

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je protiv odobrenja ovih genetski modificiranih organizama (kukuruz i pamuk) zbog zabrinutosti za zdravlje i okoliš.Smatra da GMO-ovi ne smiju biti odobreni bez jasnih znanstvenih dokaza o njihovoj sigurnosti. Također, postoji zabrinutost zbog nedostatka dugoročnih studija i mogućih negativnih učinaka na bioraznolikost i ljudsko zdravlje.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 89034 × 1507 × MON 88017 × 59122 and eight of its sub-combinations

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je protiv odobrenja ovih genetski modificiranih organizama (kukuruz i pamuk) zbog zabrinutosti za zdravlje i okoliš.Smatra da GMO-ovi ne smiju biti odobreni bez jasnih znanstvenih dokaza o njihovoj sigurnosti. Također, postoji zabrinutost zbog nedostatka dugoročnih studija i mogućih negativnih učinaka na bioraznolikost i ljudsko zdravlje.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 810

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je protiv odobrenja ovih genetski modificiranih organizama (kukuruz i pamuk) zbog zabrinutosti za zdravlje i okoliš.Smatra da GMO-ovi ne smiju biti odobreni bez jasnih znanstvenih dokaza o njihovoj sigurnosti. Također, postoji zabrinutost zbog nedostatka dugoročnih studija i mogućih negativnih učinaka na bioraznolikost i ljudsko zdravlje.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize DP915635

Glasovao sam protiv odobrenja ovih genetski modificiranih organizama (kukuruz i pamuk) zbog zabrinutosti za zdravlje i okoliš. Smatram da GMO-ovi ne smiju biti odobreni bez jasnih znanstvenih dokaza o njihovoj sigurnosti. Također, postoji zabrinutost zbog nedostatka dugoročnih studija i mogućih negativnih učinaka na bioraznolikost i ljudsko zdravlje.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize DP23211

Glasovao sam protiv odobrenja ovih genetski modificiranih organizama (kukuruz i pamuk) zbog zabrinutosti za zdravlje i okoliš. Smatram da GMO-ovi ne smiju biti odobreni bez jasnih znanstvenih dokaza o njihovoj sigurnosti. Također, postoji zabrinutost zbog nedostatka dugoročnih studija i mogućih negativnih učinaka na bioraznolikost i ljudsko zdravlje.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize DP202216

Glasovao sam protiv odobrenja ovih genetski modificiranih organizama (kukuruz i pamuk) zbog zabrinutosti za zdravlje i okoliš. Smatram da GMO-ovi ne smiju biti odobreni bez jasnih znanstvenih dokaza o njihovoj sigurnosti. Također, postoji zabrinutost zbog nedostatka dugoročnih studija i mogućih negativnih učinaka na bioraznolikost i ljudsko zdravlje.
Objection pursuant to Rule 115(2) and (3): Genetically modified maize MON 94804

Glasovao sam protiv odobrenja ovih genetski modificiranih organizama (kukuruz i pamuk) zbog zabrinutosti za zdravlje i okoliš. Smatram da GMO-ovi ne smiju biti odobreni bez jasnih znanstvenih dokaza o njihovoj sigurnosti. Također, postoji zabrinutost zbog nedostatka dugoročnih studija i mogućih negativnih učinaka na bioraznolikost i ljudsko zdravlje.
Election of the Commission

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj, iako se ne slaže s prijedlogom pojedinih povjerenika, glasao je za novi sastav Komisije zbog što skorije uspostave rada institucije koja osigurava stabilnost EU-a.Novi sastav je podržao s ciljem što skorijeg početka rada na održivoj poljoprivredi, ravnomjernom razvoju ruralnih područja, jačanju rodne ravnopravnosti, rješavanju stambene krize i pojednostavljivanju administracije, što su sve teme važne za Hrvatsku.
Amending short-stay visas regulation (EU) 2018/1806) as regards Vanuatu

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je za ukidanje bezviznog režima Vanuatuu zbog sigurnosnih i etičkih zabrinutosti povezanih s programom državljanstva putem investicija, nedostatkom sigurnosnih provjera te izostankom suradnje s EU-om u rješavanju tih problema.
Objection pursuant to Rule 114(3): Measures to reduce incidental catches of common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and other small cetaceans in the Bay of Biscay

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je protiv prigovora na delegirani akt jer smatra da su mjere poput privremenog zatvaranja ribolovnih područja i korištenja pingera nužne za smanjenje smrtnosti morskih sisavaca i osiguranje održivosti ribolovnih resursa.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Germany and Italy relating to floods occurred in 2024

S obzirom na ozbiljnost šteta i potrebu za brzim djelovanjem, glasovao sam za mobilizaciju Europskog fonda solidarnosti kako bi se Njemačkoj i Italiji osigurala financijska pomoć za hitne operacije i obnovu nakon poplava koje su dogodile u 2024. godini.
Election of the Commission

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj, iako se ne slaže s prijedlogom pojedinih povjerenika, glasao je za novi sastav Komisije zbog što skorije uspostave rada institucije koja osigurava stabilnost EU-a.Novi sastav je podržao s ciljem što skorijeg početka rada na održivoj poljoprivredi, ravnomjernom razvoju ruralnih područja, jačanju rodne ravnopravnosti, rješavanju stambene krize i pojednostavljivanju administracije, što su sve teme važne za Hrvatsku.
Amending short-stay visas regulation (EU) 2018/1806) as regards Vanuatu

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je za ukidanje bezviznog režima Vanuatuu zbog sigurnosnih i etičkih zabrinutosti povezanih s programom državljanstva putem investicija, nedostatkom sigurnosnih provjera te izostankom suradnje s EU-om u rješavanju tih problema.
Objection pursuant to Rule 114(3): Measures to reduce incidental catches of common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and other small cetaceans in the Bay of Biscay

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je protiv prigovora na delegirani akt jer smatra da su mjere poput privremenog zatvaranja ribolovnih područja i korištenja pingera nužne za smanjenje smrtnosti morskih sisavaca i osiguranje održivosti ribolovnih resursa.
Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Germany and Italy relating to floods occurred in 2024

S obzirom na ozbiljnost šteta i potrebu za brzim djelovanjem, glasovao sam za mobilizaciju Europskog fonda solidarnosti kako bi se Njemačkoj i Italiji osigurala financijska pomoć za hitne operacije i obnovu nakon poplava koje su dogodile u 2024. godini.
Draft amending budget No 5/2024: adjustment in payment appropriations, update of revenues and other technical updates

Glasovao sam za prijedlog izmjene proračuna jer uključuje važna prilagođavanja prihoda i izdataka u odnosu na proračun 2024. godine, koja su nužna za nastavak učinkovite implementacije europskih programa.
2025 budgetary procedure: Joint text

Glasovao sam za izmjene proračuna za 2025. godinu zbog povećanja sredstava za programe EU-a kao što su Horizon Europe, Erasmus i CERV te za područja istraživanja, inovacija, civilne zaštite i humanitarne pomoći. Jedan od ključnih uspjeha bio je osiguranje dodatnog financiranja za Europsko tužiteljstvo (EPPO), koje je od velikog značaja za Hrvatsku, jer osigurava borbu protiv korupcije i jačanje pravne države.
Georgia's worsening democratic crisis following the recent parliamentary elections and alleged electoral fraud

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je za rezoluciju kojom se osuđuju navodne izborne prijevare i pogoršanje demokratskih standarda u Gruziji.Naglašava važnost slobodnih i poštenih izbora kao temelja demokracije te poziva gruzijske vlasti da istraže sve navode i osiguraju transparentnost izbornog procesa.
Reinforcing EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia

Podržao sam deklaraciju koja potvrđuje nepokolebljivu potporu Ukrajini u borbi protiv ruske agresije. Naglasak je stavljen na vojnu i humanitarnu pomoć, s obzirom na sve veću ulogu Sjeverne Koreje u podršci Rusiji.
Recommendation on smoke- and aerosol-free environments

Glasovao sam protiv preporuke zbog ključnog amandmana koji nije uključen u završni tekst. Taj amandman, koji je podrazumijevao proširenje javnih zabrana na nove proizvode poput e-cigareta i grijanih duhana, bio je od presudne važnosti za zaštitu zdravlja djece i mladih, s obzirom na sve veće dokaze o štetnosti tih proizvoda.
Georgia's worsening democratic crisis following the recent parliamentary elections and alleged electoral fraud

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je za rezoluciju kojom se osuđuju navodne izborne prijevare i pogoršanje demokratskih standarda u Gruziji.Naglašava važnost slobodnih i poštenih izbora kao temelja demokracije te poziva gruzijske vlasti da istraže sve navode i osiguraju transparentnost izbornog procesa.
Reinforcing EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine against Russia’s war of aggression and the increasing military cooperation between North Korea and Russia

Podržao sam deklaraciju koja potvrđuje nepokolebljivu potporu Ukrajini u borbi protiv ruske agresije. Naglasak je stavljen na vojnu i humanitarnu pomoć, s obzirom na sve veću ulogu Sjeverne Koreje u podršci Rusiji.
Recommendation on smoke- and aerosol-free environments

Glasovao sam protiv preporuke zbog ključnog amandmana koji nije uključen u završni tekst. Taj amandman, koji je podrazumijevao proširenje javnih zabrana na nove proizvode poput e-cigareta i grijanih duhana, bio je od presudne važnosti za zaštitu zdravlja djece i mladih, s obzirom na sve veće dokaze o štetnosti tih proizvoda.
Deforestation Regulation: provisions relating to the date of application

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj glasao je za sporazum postignut u trijalogu jer osigurava da će EU Uredba o krčenju šuma ostati snažan alat protiv deforestacije, dok poduzećima daje dovoljno vremena za prilagodbu. Sporazum štiti ciljeve Zelenog plana i sprječava pokušaje slabljenja uredbe.
Regional Emergency Support: RESTORE

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je inicijativu “RESTORE”, koja omogućuje brzu pomoć državama članicama pogođenima prirodnim katastrofama. Inicijativa osigurava dodatna sredstva za obnovu i hitnu pomoć najugroženijima, uz maksimalnu fleksibilnost i učinkovitost.
Specific measures under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for Member States affected by natural disasters

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je prijedlog za bržu i fleksibilniju pomoć državama članicama pogođenima prirodnim katastrofama, osiguravajući podršku poljoprivrednicima i ruralnim zajednicama.
Forest reproductive material of the ‘tested’ category

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je prijedlog za očuvanje postojećih pravila EU o uvozu šumskog reproduktivnog materijala, usklađenih s OECD-ovim pravilima i bez GMO-a.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2024/002 BE/Limburg machinery and paper - Belgium

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je mobilizaciju sredstava iz EGF-a za pomoć radnicima u Belgiji pogođenima tržišnim promjenama, omogućujući njihovu bržu reintegraciju na tržište rada.
Activities of the European Ombudsman – annual report 2023

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je godišnje izvješće Europskog ombudsmana za 2023. jer ističe važnost transparentnosti, poštivanja temeljnih prava i odgovornosti EU institucija. Izvješće odaje priznanje dosadašnjem radu Emily O'Reilly i postavlja smjernice za budući rad ombudsmana.
Forest reproductive material of the ‘tested’ category

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je prijedlog za očuvanje postojećih pravila EU o uvozu šumskog reproduktivnog materijala, usklađenih s OECD-ovim pravilima i bez GMO-a.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2024/002 BE/Limburg machinery and paper - Belgium

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je mobilizaciju sredstava iz EGF-a za pomoć radnicima u Belgiji pogođenima tržišnim promjenama, omogućujući njihovu bržu reintegraciju na tržište rada.
Activities of the European Ombudsman – annual report 2023

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je godišnje izvješće Europskog ombudsmana za 2023. jer ističe važnost transparentnosti, poštivanja temeljnih prava i odgovornosti EU institucija. Izvješće odaje priznanje dosadašnjem radu Emily O'Reilly i postavlja smjernice za budući rad ombudsmana.
Amendment of Annex VI – Powers and responsibilities of the standing committees

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je izmjene koje jačaju ulogu Europskog parlamenta u područjima sigurnosti, obrane i javnog zdravstva kroz osnivanje novih stalnih odbora.
Setting up a special committee on the European Democracy Shield, and defining its responsibilities, numerical strength and term of office

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je osnivanje odbora “Europski štit demokracije” radi jačanja otpornosti EU na dezinformacije i hibridne prijetnje te zaštite demokratskih procesa i integriteta izbora.
Setting up a special committee on the Housing Crisis in the European Union, and defining its responsibilities, numerical strength and term of office

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je osnivanje odbora za rješavanje stambene krize kako bi se predložila rješenja za pristupačno i održivo stanovanje u EU.
EC-Pacific States Interim Partnership Agreement: accession of Tonga

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je pristupanje Tonge Sporazumu EU-Pacifik kako bi se osigurao bescarinski pristup tržištu EU i podržao ekonomski razvoj nakon gubitka trgovinskih povlastica.
Conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the United Nations Convention on transparency in treaty-based investor-State arbitration

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je Konvenciju Ujedinjenih naroda o transparentnosti kako bi se osigurala veća transparentnost i odgovornost u međunarodnim arbitražnim sporovima između investitora i država.
EC-Pacific States Interim Partnership Agreement: accession of Niue

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je pristupanje Niuea sporazumu o gospodarskom partnerstvu EU-Pacifik jer omogućuje Niueu puni bescarinski i neograničeni pristup tržištu EU, čime se potiče trgovinska suradnja i ekonomski razvoj regije.
EC-Pacific States Interim Partnership Agreement: accession of Tuvalu

Zastupnik Marko Vešligaj podržao je pristupanje Tuvalua sporazumu o gospodarskom partnerstvu EU-Pacifik kako bi Tuvalu zadržao puni bescarinski i neograničeni pristup tržištu EU i nakon što izgubi povlastice povezane sa statusom najmanje razvijenih zemalja.

Written questions (1)

Rule of law violations in Croatia
Documents: PDF(90 KB) DOC(12 KB)

Amendments (14)

Amendment 1 #


Draft opinion
Recital A
A. whereas Article 8 TFEU mandstates that the Union toshall aim to eliminate inequalities and to promote gender equality between men and womenin all its activities, thereby establishing the principle of gender mainstreaming; whereas gender equality must be incorporated into all its activitieEU policies and activites, including via gender budgeting at all levels of the budgetary process; whereas equality is a fundamental right under the Treaty of Lisbon and a priority for the Union withand achieving gender equality is crucial to upholding these rights; whereas the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has a central role in supporting Union institutions and Member States in achieving that aim;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 4 #


Draft opinion
Recital A a (new)
A a. whereas EIGE’s core mission focuses on achieving gender equality in the EU by providing research, collecting and communicating data, and developing methods to improve statistics and data collection, measuring the state of gender equality at both EU and Member State levels, developing methodological tools and providing technical support for gender mainstreaming, and cooperating with EU institutions, it’s Member States, EU agencies, international organisations, academia, civil society and other stakeholders;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 7 #


Draft opinion
Recital B
B. whereas in 2023 EIGE’s work focused on two thematic priorities: the European Green Deal and gender-based violence; whereas crises exacerbate women’s vulnerability and exposure to violence, intensifying existing structural inequalities and aggravating all types of gender-based violence, including physical, sexual and psychological; whereas the effectiveness of EIGE’s actions ofollowing the principle of gender mainstreaming, incorporating gender sensitive perspective, and researching the effect of all policies on women are crucial aspects of achieving gender equality; whereas in 2023 EIGE’s work focused on, among other areas, supporting the objective of a green and gender-equal Europe through the Green Deal, via the Gender Equality index, developing the good practises toolkit and awareness raising; whereas the focus on the Green Deal was appropriate; whereas in EIGE’s publication in October 2023 on Gender Balance in the European Green Deal, which neit was concludeds to be revised and updated to set achievable targets in general to achieve equality and support womenhat, in order to deliver the European Green Deal with a just and socially fair transition that leaves no one behind, additional efforts are needed to address the under- representation of women in key decision- making positions, especifically in the Union, is questionable, greater focus is required at the national level to honour both EU and national commitments to equal representation in positions of power;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 12 #


Draft opinion
Recital B a (new)
B a. whereas EIGE's work focused also on gender-based violence (GBV), by working on a EU wide survey on GBV to close the 10 year data gap on the prevalence of violence against women in the EU; whereas crises exacerbate women’s vulnerability and exposure to violence, intensifying existing structural inequalities and aggravating all types of gender-based violence, including physical, sexual, and psychological and cyberviolence; whereas EIGE continued to support gender mainstreaming efforts in the EU;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 20 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Has serious concerns that EIGE’s mission was diverted from improving equality by its focus on the European Green Deal; points out thatNotes EIGE’s continuous high level of budget execution, despite the persistent understaffing of the agency, with commitment appropriations of up to 98 % in and a payment appropriations rate of 83 %; congratulates EIGE for achieveding 92,.76 % of its work programme objectives;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 23 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1 a. Notes that EIGE was established as EU’s knowledge centre on gender equality to produce independent research and share best practises to eliminate discrimination based on gender, combine research, data and tools to help EU and it’s Member States to design inclusive and gender-transformative policies and to mainstream gender equality into all their policies; highlights the urgency for the Union to advance on gender equality, in the light of ongoing crisis, such as climate crisis, wars, backlashes on gender equality and anti-gender and anti- democratic movements; in this regard, recalls that one in three women in the EU experience gender based violence during their lifetime, including physical, sexual and psychological violene or threats of violence1a; recalls that women are more severely affected by poverty and notes in that regard that gender pay gap in the EU is 13%1b and pension gender pension gap is 29%,1c effecting women’s societal wellbeing; notes that women in the EU also experience threats to their fundamental rights and bodily autonomy, as attacks against SRHR, including abortion rights persist; reiterates that women are also disproportionately affected by climate crisis and wars and conflicts; _________________ 1a _uploads/eu- gender_based_violence_survey_key_result s.pdf 1b and-policy/policies/justice-and- fundamental-rights/gender- equality/equal-pay/gender-pay-gap- situation-eu_en 1c s-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20210203-1
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 29 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Notes that the 8,5 % increase in EIGE’s staff costs can be attributed to the continued high inflation rate as well as a 2,7% indexation of salaries, and that the average number of staff remained at 45; notes that two contract agents were engaged and funded by the IPA contribution agreement with the Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations; acknowledges the persisting understaffing of EIGE and suggests that EIGE focus its work programme on violence against women and girls while deprioritizing actions related to the European Green Deal where necessary in ladditional staffing resources, including statuary staff, shall be allocated to EIGE in response to the increasing urgent demands, technical assistance, and requests for its services; further calls for increased budget allocations to support the Institute’s recruitment and research capabilities, enabling EIGE to better address subsequent crisis and the growing backlashes against gender equality, women's rights and rights of current staff capacitiesLGBTIQ+ persons, which disproportionately affect women;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 1 #


Draft opinion
Recital A
A. whereas gender equality is a core value of the European Union as enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union; whereas equality between men and women is one of the founding values of the Union and the Union is committed to promote gender equality in all its activities as enshrined in Article 8 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), thereby establishing the principle of gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting, and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 8 #


Draft opinion
Recital B
B. whereas the Union has room for improvement in its approach to promoting equality through its policies, legislation, and funding mechanisms; whereas the European Parliament has repeatedly called on the Commission to promote and implement the use of gender mainstreaming, including gender budgeting and gender impact assessments, across all Union policies;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 10 #


Draft opinion
Recital B a (new)
B a. whereas gender equality in the Union has been negatively impacted by the consequences of backlashes against gender equality and women’s rights, particularly in the areas of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in several Member States, as well as by growing anti-gender movements, misogynistic trends, and the rising cost of living, which disproportionately affects women; whereas other ongoing crises, such as wars and the climate crisis, also disproportionately impact women; whereas these factors further deepen inequalities and hinder progress toward gender equality;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 24 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Acknowledges the Union’s commitment to gender mainstreaming and the need to further focus on combating violence against women and girls in policymaking; stresses the need to urgently establish a common approach to rape with common minimum sanctions in national laws;include the gender perspective into all policy areas, budgets, and alleviation measures to advance women’s rights and gender equality; highlights the urgency for the Union to advance on gender equality, in the light of ongoing crises, such as climate crisis, wars, backlashes on gender equality, and anti- gender and anti-democratic movements; in this regard, recalls that one in three women in the EU experience gender based violence during their lifetime, including physical, sexual and psychological violence or threats of violence1a; stresses the need to further focus on combating violence against women and girls in the EU; stresses the need to urgently establish a common approach to rape with common minimum sanctions in national laws; reiterates that all non-consensual sex must be classified as rape in every EU Member State; _________________ 1a _uploads/eu- gender_based_violence_survey_key_result s.pdf
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 30 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2 a. Repeats its concern at the interrelation between the attacks on the rule of law, democracy, and human rights and the backlash against gender equality and women’s rights; calls on the Commission to continue its efforts to strengthen the rule of law in the Union, and to explore the core mission of those to whom EU funds are granted and to withhold funding and ensure that EU funds are not made available to any entity that uses EU funds for the purposes of backsliding human rights, particularly women’s fundamental rights and gender equality, including SRHR, and women’s rights to bodily integrity, autonomy and self-determination; reiterates that sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are fundamental human rights, and their realisation is a fundamental aspect of human dignity and a prerequisite for achieving gender equality;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 33 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Is concerned about the growing financial risks due to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and its impact on gender equality policies; highlights the need to prioritise policies that protect children, women and familieswomen; stresses that women in armed conflicts face disproportionate risks, including, but not limited to, conflict- related sexual and gender-based violence as a weapon of war; stresses that all alleviation measures shall hold gender equality at it’s core, protecting and supporting women and children; calls on the Commission to adopt a feminist foreign policy; emphasizes that women’s access to SRHR, including safe and legal abortion care in times of crisis, must never be jeopardized;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 53 #


Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Calls for a stable financing framework to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the Daphne Programme to support the protection of women and children against violence.; stresses the importance of strengthening the specifically dedicated Daphne Initiative by increasing its resources, particularly through measures aimed at combating all forms and levels of gender-based violence against women and girls and domestic violence;
Committee: FEMM