4 Amendments of Nikolaos CHOUNTIS related to 2011/0000(INI)

Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Is convinced that in the current times of financial crisis, the main concerns of EU citizens and workers are the danger of losing their jobs, pay cuts, loss of social and labour rights, cuts in social services and the deteriorating quality of life; calls therefore for the Commission and the Member States, in the context of the single market, to secure full-time employment, and guarantee the protection of social and labour rights and access to high-quality social services, independently of the Member State in which workers are based;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 b (new)
1b. Believes that the single market is directly linked to the policies being followed. Its full implementation depends on the leading socio-economic model selected, which, through the policies it imposes, is, exacerbating the consequences of the crisis, plunging the Member States into economic recession and leading the peoples of the EU towards unemployment and poverty; stresses that the implementation of the single market is not an objective per se but a means of securing equality, as well as financial, social and environmental goals, in a bid to achieve sustainable development, the well-being of our people, social justice, solidarity and democracy;
Committee: ECON
Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Is concerned that the single market is likely to lead to socially unjustifiable taxes; deplores the EU's policy choice concerning the reduction of direct taxes on high incomes, large businesses and all sources of wealth while, at the same time, workers in many Member States are facing pay and pension cuts, as well as austerity measures and VAT increases on basic foodstuffs; emphasises accordingly the need for a socially justifiable fiscal policy, with a redistributive role geared towards growth and capable of dealing with the serious problem of fiscal competition, effective monitoring, the taxation of offshore companies and the eradication of tax havens which are flourishing in the EU.
Committee: ECON
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 b (new)
2b. Underlines the great dissatisfaction among citizens regarding the functioning of the energy market. Market deregulation has not led to a reduction in prices and costs for consumers as declared by the Commission. On the contrary, prices have risen to such high levels for the peoples of Europe as to cause ‘energy poverty’. Notes that the ‘self-regulatory abilities’ of the single market and the simultaneous observance of competition rules cannot replace the welfare state and promote a comprehensive,l, growth-oriented social and environmental policy for the benefit of the citizens.
Committee: ECON