2 Amendments of David CASA related to 2015/2007(INI)

Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph -1 (new)
-1. Points out that digitalisation has a substantial impact on the labour market by modifying job dynamism, creating new job opportunities and more flexible working conditions such as telecommuting or teleworking which could serve as a an effective tool for better reconciliation of professional and domestic duties for both women and men;
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Points out that low participation of women and girls in ICT-related education and later in employment is a result of a complex interplay of gender stereotyping that starts at early stages of life and education and continues to professional career; takes note of the fact that factors limiting women and girls from participating in the ICT education and employment include: lifelong stereotyping, segregation into "typically female and male" activities, hobbies and toys that starts at the earliest levels of education, a relative lack of female role models in the ICT sector as well as the limited visibility of women in this sector especially in leadership position;
Committee: EMPL