2 Amendments of Ole CHRISTENSEN related to 2015/0051(NLE)

Amendment 179 #

Annex 1 – section 3 – paragraph 1
Member States should reduce labour market segmentation. Employment protection rules and institutions should provide a suitable environment for recruitment while offering adequate levels of protection to those in employment and those seeking employment or employed on temporary, part-time or atypical contracts or independent work contracts. Quality employment should be ensured for all in terms of socio-economic security, education and training opportunities, working conditions (including health and safety), adequate wages and work-life balance. Upward convergence in working conditions should be promoted across the Union.
Committee: EMPL
Amendment 232 #

Annex 1 – section 4 – paragraph 3
The pension systems should be reformed in order to secure their sustainability and adequacy for women and men in a context of increasing longevity and demographic change, including by linking statutory retirement ages to life expectancy, by increasing effective retirement ages, and by developing co. The best way is to increase the overall employment rate, building also on social investments in active ageing. Further reforms should focus on increasing effective retirement age, taking into account the number of contributory years and reflecting differences in life expectancy caused by particularly arduous work, and on upholding the fundamental importance of public pensions while developing complementary retirement savings. Measures to reduce gender gaps in employment and pay as well as incidence of involuntary part-time empleoyment ary retirement savingse also needed in order to ensure decent living standards in old age.
Committee: EMPL