6 Amendments of Margrete AUKEN related to 2005/0283(COD)

Amendment 41 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 2 – paragraph 3 a (new)
3a. Local, regional or national authorities which procure clean and energy efficient vehicles for at least 75% of their annual specific procurement may use the label 'clean and energy efficient urban road transport'. The Commission shall establish a uniform design for this label.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 46 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point (a) – indent 2
- a single monetary value per unit of energy shall be used. This single value shall be the lower of the cost per unit of energy of petrol or diesel beforeincluding tax when used as a transport fuel;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 47 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point (b)
(b) The lifetime cost for the CO2 emissions of the operation of a vehicle shall be calculated by multiplying the lifetime mileage according to paragraph 3 by the CO2 emissions in kilograms per kilometre according to paragraph 2, and by the cost per kilogram taken from Table 2 in the Annex, or a higher cost.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a directive
Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point (c)
(c) The lifetime cost for the pollutant emissions of the operation of a vehicle shall be calculated by adding up the lifetime costs for emissions of oxides of nitrogen, non-methane hydrocarbons, and particulate matter. The lifetime cost for each pollutant shall be calculated by multiplying the lifetime mileage according to paragraph 3 by the emissions in grams per kilometre according to paragraph 2, and by the respective cost per gram taken from Table 2 in the Annex, which shall be taken either from the EU- averaged values in Table 2 in Annex I or from the differentiated values in Annex Ia, or from higher values where justified.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 66 #
Proposal for a directive
Annex – Table 2, column 1, row 2
23 €cents/kg or the ETS market price, whichever is higher
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 68 #
Proposal for a directive
Annex 1 a (new)
Air pollution costs in €/tonne of pollutant for road, rail, waterways Factor costs in €, 2000 prices, Unit: € 2000/t of pollutant Pollutant NOx NMVOC SO2 PM2.5 (exhaust) PM10 (non-exhaust) Source CAFÉ CAFÉ CAFÉ HEATCO UBA HEATCO/ HEATCO UBA HEATCO CBA CBA CBA transferred CAFÉ transferred to CBA (for to HEATCO maritime) HEATCO CAFÉ CBA VOLY VOLY VOLY sensitivity median median median (PM/O3) (PM/O3) (PM/O3) Unit € 2000 € 2000 € 2000 € 2000 € 2000 € 2000 € 2000 € 2000 € 2000 (emissions (emissions (emissions 2010) 2010) 2010) Local Urban Urban Outside Urban Urban Outside environment Metropolitan built-up metropolitan built-up areas areas Austria 8,700 1,700 8,300 415,000 134,300 69,600 166,200 53,700 27,800 Belgium 5,200 2,500 11,000 422,200 136,200 91,100 169,900 54,500 36,500 Bulgaria 1,800 200 1,000 43,000 13,800 11,000 17,200 5,500 4,400 Cyprus 500 300 2,000 243,700 78,700 20,600 97,500 31,500 8,200 Czech 7,300 1,000 8,000 252,600 81,400 62,700 101,000 32,600 25,100 Republic Denmark 4,400 700 5,200 386,800 124,700 45,500 154,700 49,900 18,200 Estonia 800 100 1,800 133,400 43,400 22,500 53,400 17,300 9,000 Finland 800 200 1,800 337,100 108,600 28,100 134,800 43,400 11,200 France 7,700 1,400 8,000 392,200 126,300 78,400 156,900 50,500 31,400 Germany 9,600 1,700 11,000 384,500 124,000 75,000 153,800 49,600 30,000 Greece 800 300 1,400 248,700 80,100 35,000 99,500 32,100 14,000 Hungary 5,400 900 4,800 203,800 65,600 52,300 81,500 26,200 20,900 Ireland 3,800 700 4,800 391,000 126,200 40,900 156,400 50,500 16,400 Italy 5,700 1,100 6,100 371,600 120,100 67,600 148,600 48,000 27,100 Latvia 1,400 200 2,000 115,700 37,200 21,500 46,300 14,900 8,600 Lithuania 1,800 200 2,400 143,100 46,500 28,600 57,200 18,600 11.400 Luxembourg 8,700 2,700 9,800 671,500 216,200 95,700 268,600 86,500 38,300 Malta 700 400 2,200 245,400 78,700 20,400 98,200 31,500 8,200 Netherlands 6,600 1,900 13,000 422,500 136,400 82,600 169,000 54,500 33,000 Norway 2,000 300 2,500 309,600 99,600 30,100 123,800 39,900 12,000 Poland 3,900 600 5,600 174,500 56,000 52,400 69,800 22,400 20,900 Portugal 1,300 500 3,500 259,500 83,600 38,500 103,800 33,500 15,400 Romania 2,200 400 2,000 29,200 9,400 7,500 11,700 3,800 3,000 Slovakia 5,200 700 4,900 194,200 62,100 52,400 77,700 24,900 21,000 Slovenia 6,700 1,400 6,200 262,900 84,500 54,500 105,200 33,800 21,800 Spain 2,600 400 4,300 299,600 96,400 41,200 119,900 38,600 16,500 Sweden 2,200 300 2,800 352,600 113,400 34,300 141,000 45,400 13,700 Switzerland 9,200 1,800 8,800 444,800 143,100 73,500 177,900 57,200 29,400 United 3,900 1,100 6,600 389,100 125,300 60,700 155,700 50,100 24,300 Kingdom EU-25 4,400 1,000 5,600 26,000 Baltic Sea 2,600 500 3,700 12,000 Mediterranean 500 300 2,000 5,600 Sea North East 1,600 400 2,200 4,800 Atlantic North Sea 5,100 1,900 6,900 28,000 Urban metropolitan: cities with more than 0.5 million inhabitants Urban: smaller and midsized cities with up to 0.5 million inhabitants
Committee: ENVI