Activities of Lambert van NISTELROOIJ related to 2010/0282(COD)

Shadow reports (1)

REPORT on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the detailed rules for access to the public regulated service offered by the global navigation satellite system established under the Galileo programme PDF (355 KB) DOC (421 KB)
Committee: ITRE
Dossiers: 2010/0282(COD)
Documents: PDF(355 KB) DOC(421 KB)

Amendments (2)

Amendment 21 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 13
(13) With regard to receiver manufacture and security, security requirements make it necessary for this task to be entrusted at present only to a Member State which has access to the PRSppointed a Competent PRS Authority or to undertakings established on the territory of a Member State which has access to the PRSppointed a Competent PRS Authority. Furthermore, the receiver manufacturer must have been duly authorised in advance by the European GNSS Agency established by means of Regulation (EC) No xxx/2010 and must comply with the rules laid down by its internal approval authority. It is the responsibility of the Competent PRS Authorities to continuously monitor compliance both with the approval standards issued by the approval authority and with specific technical requirements stemming from the minimum common standards. The Commission should consider whether in future, subject to a guarantee of reciprocity, authorised undertakings from non-EU countries should also be allowed to become involved in the manufacture of PRS receivers. In that case appropriate security agreements have to be concluded laying down the conditions governing such authorisation, to guarantee compliance with the common minimum standards.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 23 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 1
This Decision lays down the detailed rules under which the Member States, the Council, the Commission, the European Union agencies and international organisations may access the public regulated service (hereinafter "PRS") offered by the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) established under the Galileo programme, which is a civilian system under civilian control, that is, it was created in accordance with civil standards based on civil requirements and under the control of the European institutions.
Committee: ITRE