3 Amendments of Kartika Tamara LIOTARD related to 2011/0364(COD)

Amendment 12 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 2
(2) Fish belonging to the taxon Elasmobranchii, including sharks, skates and rays are generally very vulnerable to overexploitation due to their life cycle characteristics of slow growth, late maturity and small number of young. In recent years, some shark populations have been severely targeted by vessels flying the flag of a Member State or third countries in maritime waters under the sovereignty or the jurisdiction of Member States or in other maritime waters and put under serious threat as a result of a dramatic increase in demand for shark products, fins in particular.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 13 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 2 a (new)
(2a) Shark fins do not constitute a traditional ingredient of the European diet, but sharks do constitute a necessary element of the EU's marine ecosystem; therefore, their management and conservation, as well as in general the promotion of a sustainably managed fishing sector for the benefit of the environment and of the people working in the sector, should be the priority.
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 16 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3 a (new)
(3a) The EU Member States are very concerned about environmental issues and the EU aspires to be one of the leaders in the conservation of ecosystems; however, the current EU legislation concerning the species belonging to the Elasmobranchii taxon is not as strong as in other countries and is insufficient to ensure the sustainable management and the conservation of those species, due to the high fin-to-carcass ratio, the lack of quotas for many species and the existing derogations.
Committee: ENVI