3 Amendments of Jean-Paul GAUZÈS related to 2008/2125(INI)

Amendment 8 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex – Recommendation 1
TIn the absence of a resolution voted by the Council on an action plan involving the Commission in its realisation, the Commission is asked to prepare an Action Plan on e-Justice at European level. It should consist of a series of individual actions as detailed below, some of which might result in legislative proposals, for example for administrative cooperation under Article 66 of the EC Treaty, others toin recommendations and others toin administrative acts and decisions.
Committee: JURI
Amendment 11 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex – Recommendation 2 – section 2
2. Action on the law of contract and consumer law Here the emphasis should be on preventive law by providing for greater clarity and simplicity and avoiding the pitfalls, problems and expense posed in particular by private international law. In this context, the Commission is asked to get to work on standard terms and conditions for electronic commerce. Ultimately, this would allow electronic traders to offer a "blue button" whereby consumers (or indeed other traders) could accept the application of standard European contract law to their transactions. This could be coupled with an on-line complaints system and access to approved on-line ADR.deleted
Committee: JURI
Amendment 13 #
Motion for a resolution
Annex – Recommendation 2 – section 4 – subparagraph 2
The coordinating and management unit should also bear responsibility for the design and operation of three European e- Justice portals, which should be separate but may share components and features, and report to the Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security, the European Parliament and the Council. Feasibility studies of the use of electronic signatures in a legal setting, interconnectionremote accessing of national databaseregisters (insolvency registers, land registers, commercial registers, etc) and the creation of a secure network should be started as soon as possible (not later than 2009-2010). The feasibility study for a virtual-exchange platform should begin in 2011. The feasibility studies should conform to the rules on publicity and access to information laid down in each Member State in order to ensure data protection and legal certainty in respect of information.
Committee: JURI