3 Amendments of Anja WEISGERBER related to 2007/2261(INI)

Amendment 12 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Points out that as the televised broadcasting of sports competitions is increasinglyalso taking place on encrypted and prepaid channels, such competitions are becoming inaccessible to a number ofsome consumers; calls for guaranteed access for the largest possible number of consumers to majordraws attention to Article 3j of Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 19891 on the pursuit of television broadcasting activities, which states that a substantial proportion of the public may not be excluded from sports events through the medium of free televised broadcasting;which the Member State regards as being of major importance for society; 1 OJ L 298, 17.10.1989, p. 23., most recently amended by Directive 2007/65/EG of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 11 December 2007 (OJ L 332, 18.12.2007, p. 27).
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
8. Supports the principle of the collective sale of television broadcasting rights, in order to ensure the equitable redistribution of this important financial resourcemedia rights, in order to ensure the equitable redistribution of this important financial resource; stresses the importance of the solidarity mechanism that ensures equitable redistribution of revenues between clubs, and should therefore be applied in every case; underlines the importance of equal competition conditions on the European market; calls on European sports organisations to set up a transparent and non-discriminatory licensing procedure to ensure greater transparency of financial flows and prevent distortions of competition;
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 16 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 9
9. Underlines the necessity for better control of the sports betting market and preservation of sport’s integrity, asks the Commission to come forward with a proposal ensuring a functioning sports betting market in the European Union on the basis of a State or State-controlled licensing system, providing for Member States to take necessary and appropriate measures against compulsive gambling, respecting the sport event organisers’ rights and, preventing misuse and corruption and allowing the possibility of a stable source of funding to promote professional and amateur sport;
Committee: IMCO