10 Amendments of Tobias PFLÜGER related to 2007/2208(INI)

Amendment 1 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph - 1 a (new)
-1a. Stresses that, since the attack on Afghanistan six years ago and the subsequent military interventions, the situation of the people of Afghanistan has not improved;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 26 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses the urgent need for the international community to analyse what strategic and conceptual misjudgements have contributed to the current situation in Afghanistan, including an honest assessment of both the current military strategy and the strategy for civil reconstruction; insists that one of the first steps towards a possible lasting peace must be the withdrawal of all occupying troops; concludes that a major shift of strategy is necessary as peace, security and development will only prevail if the spiral of violence is brought to an end, if the prevailing military solution is replaced by reinforced civil reconstruction efforts, and if, as a result, the confidence of the Afghan population is restored; considers in particular that "Operation Enduring Freedom" is politically counterproductive because reconciliation and consolidation of peace cannot be imposed militarily from the outside but have to be developed inside Afghanistan;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 31 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. insists that one of the first steps towards a possible lasting peace must be the withdrawal of all occupying troops;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 48 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Points out that the main problem facing the country is restoring security; notes that Afghanistan's security problems are more complexsomething other than just a war on terror and therefore they do not require more than a military solution; points out that security is a prerequisite for the rule of law, which in turn creates an atmosphere conducive to human development, and that strengthening the rule of law can serve as an important means to advance the freedom of people to exercise choices and enhance their capacity to live meaningful and healthy lives;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 58 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
6. Draws attention to the fact that despite some achievements to date, the overall outcome of police reform efforts during the past five years has been disappointing, demonstrating the serious inadequacies of the international community when it comes to institution building; urges the international community to move away from the multitude of individual police reform projects towards a more coordinated, comprehensivepoints out that the practice of civilian-military cooperation based on the EU-Afghanistan Joint Declaration entails immense risks and is at odds with any development aimed at a lasting peace; takes the view, accordingly, that the work and objectives of NGOs on the ground, which operate on the basis of the principles of neutrality, independence and impartiality, are incompatible with those of the military, and that civilian structures such as the police, border police and justice system should therefore be built up under Afghan leadership and outside the framework of military structures; calls, therefore, for EU financial anid longer- term approachto be earmarked solely for civilian development purposes;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 62 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7
7. Draws attention to the fact that the EUPOL mandate foresees the coordination of activities in reforms of the police and justice sectors , and therefore calls on the Council and the Commission to better co- ordinate their respective activities in order to make the EU's policies more coherent and efficient; considers it equally important for the EU to considerably increase the resources foreseen for EUPOL both in terms of personnel and financingtakes the view that there should in future be no cooperation whatsoever between the military missions and the EUPOL mission; calls for the existing practice of cooperation with NATO and ISAF structures to cease; notes, moreover, that the current situation militates against the planned expansion of the EUPOL mission and that the mission’s structures must be reviewed;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 67 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Stresses the need to redefine the role of the provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) as a result of the wider role of the military, which is increasingly overlapping with the mandates of civilian aid agencies, causing significant friction; is convinced that the goals of humanitarian organisations, which operate on the basis of neutrality, independence and impartiality, and those of the military are not compatible; strongly believestakes the view that the PRTs should concentrate on specific objectives related to security, training and working with the Afghan police and military, undergo a review aimed at a strict separation of military and civilian structures, and that an effort should be made to replace the latter with strictly civiliand supporting the reach of the central government into insecure areastructures involving the participation of the Afghan people, so as to rule out any overlap between civilian development work and military activity;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 88 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
11. Welcomes Afghanistan'sStresses that the progress in improvncreasing women’s political representation; remains concerned about the huge income disparities between men and women, very low literacy rate of women, the injustices to women and girls, both in the denial of basic services like healthcare and education and the lack of employment opportunities as well as high levels of domestic violence and discrimination; stresses the urgent need for meas cannot hide the fact that the situation of women in Afghanistan remains extremely wretched, that life expectancy for Afghan women is around 44 years, that girls are traded like currency, that forced marriages are commonplace, that massive income differences exist between men and women, and that there is a high female illiteracy rate; condemns the refusal of medical care and education, the omnipresent discrimination and the lack of jobs for women; urges aimed at protecting the rights of women to be builtthat measures for the protection of women’s rights be included into legal and political reforms; calls on the Council and the Commission to lendtake active support to such an initiative and to earmark funds for measures which will help build the country's capacityon and to set aside appropriations to assist the rapid and sustainable implementation of measures to protect the rights of women and girlsin Afghanistan;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 92 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 a (new)
11a. Is concerned at the influence still wielded by the warlords and the role of the Taliban in the eastern parts of Afghanistan, where there is no control by state structures and public executions take place; views with growing concern the fact that the commitment set out in the Afghanistan Compact ‘to work toward a stable and prosperous Afghanistan, with good governance and human rights protection for all under the rule of law’ is completely meaningless in the absence of an implementation strategy binding on all sides; notes, too, that no positive change in the situation of women will take place until the warlords are disarmed and a fundamental political transformation of the country can be brought about;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 113 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital B
B. whereas the United States – with support from the United Kingdom – began Operation Enduring Freedom on 7 October 2001; whereas four other EU Member States - the Czech Republic, France, Poland and Romania - are among the coalition forces participating in the operation; whereas apart from Cyprus and Malta all EU Member States contribute troops to the NATO-led ISAF mission, amounting to more than 21,500 troops; whereas the presence of foreign troops constitutes an occupation; whereas the first provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) started in late 2001 and currently there are approximately 34 PRTs operating in the entire country,
Committee: AFET