10 Amendments of Andreas MÖLZER related to 2013/2078(INI)

Amendment 38 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital A
A. whereas the European Union has developed a fundamental acquis, which aims to ensure that fundamental rights are respected, protected and promoted, including through the development of the ‘Copenhagen criteria’, the inclusion of Articles 2, 6 and 7 in the EU Treaty, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and, the obligation to accede to the European Convention on Human Rights and the corresponding national legislative provisions of the Member States;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 74 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses that as a political, historical and ethical project, the European Union endeavours to bring together sovereign countries which share and together promote common European values, such as those laid down in Article 2 of the EU Treaty and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights, including democracy, the rule of law, fundamental rights, equality and protection of minorities, which are closely linked and are mutual preconditions, and believes therefore that a fundamental pillar of the European identity is, and must be, the internal and external promotion of these European values;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 136 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4 – point e
(e) develop and adopt a set of recommendations and penalties (e.g. the temporary suspension of Fund commitments, the application of certain acto ensure that the rights, etc.) to deal with violations ofnshrined Article 2 and Article 7 of the EU Treaty are successfully upheld;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 177 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Expresses its concern about the numerous instances of ill-treatment by police forces, particularly in relation to the disproportionate use of force against peaceful participants and journalists in connection with demonstrations;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 203 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 13
13. Welcomes the fact that a growing number of Member States are respecting the right to found a family through marriage, civil partnership or registered cohabitation and adoption, without discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, and calls on the Commission and all Member States to adopt legislation and policies to combat homophobia, transphobia and hate crimes; reiterates its calls for the Commission to draw up a European roadmap against homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity;deleted
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 226 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15
15. Expresses its concern about the numerous breaches of the right of asylum and of the obligation to extend protection in the event of removal, expulsion and extradition of any migrant; stresses the obligation to comply with international human rights conventions, particularly the Geneva Convention and the principle of non- refoulement, and the obligation to come to the assistance of people at sea who are risking their lives to reach the European Union, and to arrange for reception conditions andasylum procedures which respect their dignity and fundamental rights; welcomes the adoption of the ‘asylum’ package; deplores, however,deplores the fact that minors can still be placed in detention and calls for them to be systematically excluded from expedited procedures; calls for the establishment of common minimum standards for the reception of unaccompanied minors;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 254 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 16
16. Considers that the Union and Member States should step up their measures to promote equality, combat discrimination and protect cultural, religious and linguistic diversity, and their measures relating to gender equality, the rights of the child, the rights of older persons, the integration of people with disabilities and the rights of LGBT persons; reiterates for the umpteenth time its call for the Council to adopt the Directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 274 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Expresses its concern about the situation of the Roma in the European Union and the numerous instances of persecution, violence, stigmatisation, discrimination and expulsion, contrary to fundamental rights and European Union law; calls for more vigorous action to promote integration, particularly in the field of protection of fundamental rights, and calls for an end to illegal expulsions and to segregation of Roma children in schools;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 294 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18
18. Condemns racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic and xenophobic violence and violence against migrants and also resident populations, which have reached alarming levels in certain Member States, in the absence of strong action by the authorities;
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 347 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
22. Stresses that the right to freedom of movement and residence of European citizens and their families laid down in the Treaties and guaranteed by the Directive on freedom of movement is one of the fundamental rights of European citizens; condemns any attempt to review this acquis, and calls for any breach of the rules to result in action before the Court of Justice, particularly in cases where the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality, ethnic or racial origin or sexual orientation is breached;
Committee: LIBE