Activities of Jean-Luc DEHAENE related to 2008/2073(INI)
Plenary speeches (1)
Institutional balance of the European Union (A6-0142/2009, Jean-Luc Dehaene)
Reports (1)
REPORT on the impact of the Treaty of Lisbon on the development of the institutional balance of the European Union PDF (478 KB) DOC (311 KB)
Amendments (4)
Amendment 7 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital L
Recital L
L. whereas the European Council of December 11 and 12 December 2008 agreed that in the event of the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon by the end of the year it would use the possibility granted by this Treaty to maintain the composition of the Commission in its present form of one member per Member State,
Amendment 19 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11
Paragraph 11
11. Takes note of the transitional arrangements concerning the composition of the European Parliament; recalls that if such arrangements are implemented as foreseen in the conclusions of the European Council of December 11 and 12 December 2008, such a measure will have to receive the political approval of the European Parliament, or even be submitted to its consent, should this measure be taken in a legal context that requires such consent;
Amendment 43 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 45
Paragraph 45
45. Considers that should the European Council launch the procedure for the designomination of the President of the new Commission without delay after the European elections of June 200912, it should duly take into account the necessary 1 As stated in the Declaration on the appointment of the new Commission agreed on the 11 and 12 December 2008. 2 As stated in the Declaration on the appointment of the new Commission agreed on the 11 and 12 December 2008 timeframe to allow the consultation procedure, as foreseen in the Lisbon Treaty, to be completed informally; considers that as such, the President of the Commission, who may be approved by the European Parliament under the Nice procedure, could then be elected under the Treaty of Lisbon if the latter was to come into force, without the whole designation procedure needing to be resumedtimeframe to allow the consultation procedure, as foreseen in the Lisbon Treaty, to be completed informally; considers that, under these conditions, the substance of its new prerogatives would be fully respected and the European Parliament could proceed to the approval of the nomination of the President of the Commission;
Amendment 45 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 46
Paragraph 46
46. Stresses that, in any case, concerning the nomination of the new college, the procedure should only be launched after the results of the new referendum in Ireland are known; points out that as such the institutions would be fully aware of the future legal context in which the new Commission would exercise its mandate and could have duly into consideration their respective powers in the procedure, as well as the composition, structure and competencies of the new Commission; in the event of a positive outcome of the referendum, the formal approval of the new college by the European Parliament should only take place after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon and the election of the President of the Commission;