22 Amendments of Arūnas DEGUTIS

Amendment 1 #


Draft report
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses the need to take into account the interests and specificities of General and Business Aviation in the development of future air transport policy initiatives, with a view to strengthening its competitiveness; in this respect calls on the Commission to monitorensure the application of the proportionality and subsidiarity principles in the design and implementation of both existing and future aviation legislation;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 23 #


Draft report
Paragraph 11
11. Underlines that business aviation should be given adequate access to major airports in order to enable it to connect Europe's regions to its economic centres; inviteurgently requests the Commission to examine and prepare a report to Parliament by the end of 2009 on whether there is a need to adapt the relevant provisions of the existing Slot Allocation Regulation as amended in this respect;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 36 #


Draft report
Paragraph 20
20. Is of the view that noise issues should be dealt with at national and local levels in accordance with the subsidiarity principle; and considers that noise mapping constitutes a tool to provide a balanced methodology to ensure airport development without causing significant noise pollution to local citizens;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 43 #


Draft report
Paragraph 24
24. Considers it necessary that the interests of commercialgeneral and business aviation are taken into account in the development of the EU's external air transportviation policy, in particular as regards transatlantic flights;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 49 #


Draft report
Paragraph 26 a (new)
26a. Requests the Commission to report back to the European Parliament by the end of 2009 on progress achieved in relation to the issues identified in this report.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 34 #


Proposal for a directive
Recital 21
(21) With the same objectives in mind, the preparation and submission of statistical summaries should also be extended to stocks other than emergency stocks and dedicated stocks, with those summaries to be submitted on a weekmonthly basis.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 59 #


Proposal for a directive
Article 15 – paragraph 1
1. Member States shall send the Commission a weekmonthly statistical summary of the levels of commercial stocks held within their national territory. When doing so, they shall ensure that sensitive data are protected and shall abstain from mentioning the names of the owners of the stocks concerned.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 61 #


Proposal for a directive
Article 15 – paragraph 2
2. Using aggregate levels, the Commission shall publish a weekmonthly statistical summary of the commercial stocks in the Community on the basis of the summaries submitted by the Member States.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 75 #


Proposal for a directive
Annex III – paragraph 11
When calculating their stocks, Member States must reduce the quantities of stocks calculated as set out above by 105%. That reduction applies to all quantities included in a given calculation.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 18 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 1 – point 3
Regulation (EC) No 216/2008
Article 4 – paragraph 3a
3a. Aerodromes or parts thereof, open to public use, including equipment, located in the territory subject to the provisions of the Treaty and, which can serveactually serve commercial traffic conducted in accordance with the instrument flight rules or aircraft with a maximum take-off mass of 2735700 kg or more shall comply with this Regulation. Personnel and organisations involved in the operation of these aerodromes shall comply with this Regulation.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 90 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 1 – point 8
Regulation (EC) No 549/2004
Article 11 – paragraph 1 – point e
(e) setting of binding Community-wide, regional and national performance targets, their respective reference period covering a minimum of three years and a maximum of five years and appropriate convergence criteria in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5(3);
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 102 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 1 – point 8
Regulation (EC) No 549/2004
Article 11 – paragraph 2
2. Without prejudice to the role of the Committee, the Commission may designate Eurocontrol or another competent publican appropriately qualified independent entity to act as a 'performance review body'. The role of the performance review body shall be to assist the Commission in the implementation of the performance scheme referred to in paragraph 1. The Commission shall ensure that the performance review body acts independently when carrying out the tasks entrusted to it by the Commission.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 114 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 2 – point 6
Regulation (EC) No 550/2004
Article 9a – paragraph 1
1. Member StatesThe Commission shall take all necessary measures in order to ensure the establishmentstablish and ensure the implementation by Member States of functional airspace blocks as soon as possible and at the latest by the end of 20120 with a view to achieving maximum capacity and efficiency of the air traffic management network within the single European sky and maintaining a high level of safety and contributing to the overall performance of the air transport system and a reduced environmental impact. Member States shall cooperate with each other to the fullest extent possible in order to ensure compliance with this provision.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 124 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 2 – point 9 − point a − subpoint ii
Regulation (EC) No 550/2004
Article 15 – paragraph 2 – point b
(b) The costs to be taken into account in this context shall be those assessed in relation to the facilities and services provided for and implemented under the ICAO Regional Air Navigation Plan, European Region. They may also include costs incurred by national supervisory authorities and/or recognised organisations, as well as other costs incurred by the relevant Member State and service provider in relation to the provision of air navigation services. They shall not include the costs of sanctions imposed by Member States according to Article 9 of the framework Regulation nor the costs of any corrective measures imposed by Member States according to Article 11(1)(g)(v) of the framework Regulation;
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 125 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 2 – point 9 − point a − subpoint iii
Regulation (EC) No 550/2004
Article 15 – paragraph 2 – point d
(d) cross-subsidy shall not be allowed between en-route services and terminal services. It shall be allowed between different air navigation services in either one of those two categories only when justified for objective reasons, subject to clear identification;deleted
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 130 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 2 – point 9 − point b − subpoint iv
Regulation (EC) No 550/2004
Article 15 – paragraph 3 – point e
(e) Charges shall encourage the safe, efficient, effective and sustainable provision of air navigation services with a view to a high level of safety and significantly improved cost- efficiency, and shall stimulate integrated service provision. To that end, and in relation to the national or regional performance plans, national supervisory authorities may set up mechanisms, including incentives consisting of financial advantages and disadvantagpenalties, to encourage air navigation service providers and/or airspace users to support improvements in the provision of air navigation services such as increased capacity, reduced delays and sustainable development, while maintaining an optimum safety levelto meet their performance targets.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 135 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 2 – point 9 − point c
Regulation (EC) No 550/2004
Article 15 – paragraph 4
4. The Commission may decide, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5(3) of the framework Regulation, that charges shall be used to finance common projects designed to assist specific categories ofshall propose financial resources including Trans European Network funding, European Investment Bank grants, and auctioning revenues from the Emission Trading Scheme with a view to financing common projects, especially for speeding up the implementation of SESAR, within the multiannual financial framework. The Commission may also decide, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5(3) of the framework Regulation, and with the principles of cost efficiency as laid down in Article 11 of the Framework Regulation and Article 14 of Regulation 550/2004, that the costs of common projects may be recovered through charges. Such common projects should be designed to assist airspace users and/or air navigation service providers in order to improve collective air navigation infrastructures, the provision of air navigation services and the use of airspace, in particular those that may be required for the implementation of the ATM Master Plan. Such decisions shall identify the common project and specify in particular the timetable for implementation, the cost to be charged to airspace users and its allocation amongst Member States, avoiding duplication in costs and charges. Before taking a decision, the Commission shall carry out an independent cost- benefit analysis and substantive consultation aiming, to the greatest extent possible, at reaching agreement with service providers and airspace users. The costs of common projects shall be subject to comprehensive and transparent accounting.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 139 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 2 – point 9 − point c
Regulation (EC) No 550/2004
Article 15 – paragraph 4
4. The Commission may decide, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 5(3) of the framework Regulation, that charges shall be used to financeo provide public funding for common projects designed to assist specific categories of airspace users and/or air navigation service providers in order to improve collective air navigation infrastructures, the provision of air navigation services and the use of airspace, in particular those that may be required for the implementation of the ATM Master Plan. Such decisions shall identify the common project and specify in particular the timetable for implementation, the cost to be charged to airspace users and its allocation amongst Member States.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 147 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 2 – point 13
Regulation (EC) No 550/2004
Article 18a – paragraph 1
1. As part of the periodical review referred to in Article 12(2) of the framework Regulation and no more than four years after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall finalise a prospective study on the conditions for the futurThe Commission shall take all necessary measures to ensure the application of market principles to the provision and designation of services in the fields of communication, navigation, surveillance, meteorology and aeronautical information not later than by the end of 2010.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 155 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 3 – point 6
Regulation (EC) No 551/2004
Article 6 – paragraph 2 – point c
(c) additional functions for the ATM network, as defined in the ATM Master Plan, including air traffic flow management.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 159 #


Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 3 – point 6
Regulation (EC) No 551/2004
Article 6 – paragraph 2 – subparagraph 2
The Commission may, under its own control and responsibility, entrust to Eurocontrolan appropriate body tasks relating to the execution of the above functions, which do not involve the adoption of binding measures of a general scope or the exercise of political discretion. These tasks shall be executed in an impartial, and cost-effective manner; taking into consideration user- preferred trajectories, the needs of the whole ATM network and with the full involvement of the airspace users and air navigation service providers.
Committee: TRAN
Amendment 76 #


Proposal for a regulation
Article 7
1. Any marketing, booking and sales data may be made available by system vendors provided that: (a) such data are offered with equal timeliness and on a non- discriminatory basis to all participating carriers, including parent carriers. Data may and, on request, shall cover all participating carriers and/or subscribers; (b) when such data result from the use of the distribution facilit. 2. Participating carriers of a CRS by a subscriber established in the territory of the European Union, it shallshall not use such data in order to unduly incflude no identification either directly nor indirectlyence the choice of thate subscriber.
Committee: TRAN