129 Written explanations of Gerard BATTEN

Implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (A8-0200/2017 - José Manuel Fernandes, Udo Bullmann)

. – UKIP voted to abstain on this non-legislative report. Although the report is broadly critical of the European Fund for Strategic Investments, and expresses concerns which we share, we cannot endorse the strategy of using public money to shelter private investors from risk – it leads to a misallocation of capital that will in turn lead to asset bubbles. Accordingly UKIP voted against the report as a whole.
European agenda for the collaborative economy (A8-0195/2017 - Nicola Danti)

. – UKIP MEPs have voted against this non-legislative, own-initiative report. UKIP are against a ‘European Agenda’ on the collaborative economy. UKIP believe that Member States should be free to create their own laws on the collaborative economy, and that a harmonised approach is not suitable.
Online platforms and the Digital Single Market (A8-0204/2017 - Henna Virkkunen, Philippe Juvin)

. – UKIP MEPs voted against this non-legislative, own-initiative report. UKIP reject calls for more EU legislation to be produced and are against a harmonised approach to online platforms, as this is an issue for individual Member States. UKIP also oppose the creation of the digital single market.
Humanitarian situation in Yemen (RC-B8-0407/2017, B8-0407/2017, B8-0408/2017, B8-0409/2017, B8-0410/2017, B8-0411/2017, B8-0412/2017, B8-0413/2017)

. – UKIP abstained overall on this non-legislative and non-binding report. We cannot support EU action or the development of an EU foreign policy but we remain concerned at the ongoing conflict in Yemen and wish to see a long-lasting and stable solution. In particular, we are concerned at attempts by the EU to interfere with Member State trade policy. Whilst, as a party, we are critical of arms sales to Saudi Arabia, this should always remain a matter for the British Government and not the Commission.
Statute and funding of European political parties and foundations (B8-0405/2017, B8-0406/2017)

. – UKIP voted against this motion for a resolution because it calls for an end to funding for European parties that do not support the Union. This is inherently undemocratic, especially as it means members of the public who do not support the Union will have no voice.
Binding annual greenhouse gas emission reductions to meet commitments under the Paris Agreement (A8-0208/2017 - Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy)

. – UKIP voted against this legislative report. The EU seeks to reduce emissions within its borders while forcing energy-intensive industries offshore to jurisdictions with lower emission standards. We in UKIP oppose EU climate and energy policy. We reject climate hysteria and we believe the EU should accept that the Paris Agreement is close to its end.
Objection to Commission Delegated Regulation amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 639/2014 as regards the control measures relating to the cultivation of hemp and certain provisions on payments (B8-0395/2017)

. – We supported this objection because it rejects secondary legislation which adds to ‘red tape’ - and completely fails to understand the vital need to remove, simplify and ease the ever-expanding EU bureaucratic burden.
The need for an EU strategy to end and prevent the gender pension gap (A8-0197/2017 - Constance Le Grip)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative, non-binding report. Principally we oppose any form of EU action, and this report was looking to create an EU strategy. UKIP wholly believe issues such as the ones contained within the report, gender discrimination, gender pay and gender pension gap are issues that need to be tackled. However, UKIP believe that this is the sole competency of the individual Member States. This report calls for more legislation and regulation and seeks to interfere within the domestic life of men and women, which we cannot support.
2016 Report on Serbia (A8-0063/2017 - David McAllister)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding report. We are opposed to any expansion of the European Union and all pre-accession related activities. In particular we are opposed to this reports attempts to infringe on Serbia’s sovereign right to exercise independent foreign relations.
2016 Report on Kosovo (A8-0062/2017 - Ulrike Lunacek)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding report. We are opposed to any expansion of the European Union and all pre-accession related activities.
2016 Report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (A8-0055/2017 - Ivo Vajgl)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding report. We are opposed to any expansion of the European Union and all pre-accession related activities.
State of play of the implementation of the Sustainability Compact in Bangladesh (B8-0396/2017)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding report. We are opposed to any expansion of the European Union and all pre-accession related activities.
Increasing engagement of partners and visibility in the performance of European Structural and Investment Funds (A8-0201/2017 - Daniel Buda)

. – UKIP MEPs have voted against this non—legislative report. The report ‘points to the increase in Euroscepticism and in anti—European propaganda that distorts information on Union policies, and calls on the Commission and the Council to analyse and address their causes.’ By the sounds of it, the EU wants to spend more money on dead-end projects that do not convey an accurate message to people living in the EU. The document talked about how the EU wants to increase its dialogue with people in Member States, and it has called on the Commission to focus on an action plan for greater communication. UKIP does not support more money being wasted, nor does it believe that the Commission should be doing anything as it is an illegitimate political entity, and for these reasons voted against.
Cost effectiveness of the 7th Research Programme (A8-0194/2017 - Martina Dlabajová, Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative, non—binding report regarding the 7th Research Programme. The 7th Research Programme was an EU project which ran from 2007 to 2013 and had a budget of EUR 55 billion. The money would be spent on grants for research in Europe, but these would also have to have a ‘European added value’. The report says that there was no cost-benefit analysis of the 7th Research Programme, that there was an error rate of about 5% and that there were shortcomings in the oversight of the programme. The report goes on to call for more synergies between EU funds, and states that the Commission operated the programme effectively. UKIP believes that taxpayers’ money should not be used by unaccountable EU institutions. If we didn’t have to waste so much money on EU membership and bureaucracy, we would have more money available to support research in the UK.
Statelessness in South and South East Asia (A8-0182/2017 - Amjad Bashir)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding resolution. Whilst we recognise and sympathise with the issues related to statelessness in the region, in particular the suffering of the Rohingya in Myanmar, we cannot support EU action on the matter. We remain resolutely opposed to the development of any EU foreign policy, and this report makes several calls for such EU action.
Cross-border mergers and divisions (A8-0190/2017 - Enrico Gasbarra)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative report, because the proposal for harmonisation of the legal framework could add additional costs; in addition, any matters relating to tax fraud should be dealt with by the Member State and not the EU.
Participation of the Union in the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) (A8-0112/2017 - Sofia Sakorafa)

. – UKIP voted against the legislative report on PRIMA. We in UKIP strongly support the role of research in our society. However, we believe that the EU desperately needs budget cuts as a result of heavy deficiencies in several of its policy areas.
Specific measures to provide additional assistance to Member States affected by natural disasters (A8-0070/2017 - Iskra Mihaylova)

. – UKIP MEPs have voted to abstain on this legislative document. The Commission proposal sought to change some bits of legislation to allow the EU to pay for 100% co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund for reconstruction efforts and also to make it easier to pre-authorise EU money for use in affected countries. The Commission stated that these changes will not need new money or raising of budget ceilings. This proposal has come about primarily because of recent horrendous earthquakes in Italy. This doesn’t mean the EU will be making the UK pay more money - it will just mean the EU will be able to use the money it already has more quickly to help give relief to areas hit by natural disasters.
Energy efficiency labelling (A8-0213/2016 - Dario Tamburrano)

. – UKIP voted against the legislative report on energy labelling. Despite the changes proposed by the EU parliament, we in UKIP believe that the new EU Commission proposal on energy labelling will bring great uncertainty for the industry and great confusion to consumers. We believe that this regulation is unnecessary and that it will be a new EU burden to deal with.
European Capitals of Culture for the years 2020 to 2033 (A8-0061/2017 - Santiago Fisas Ayxelà)

. – UKIP voted against this legislative report, which amended the 2014 decision on the establishment of the European Capitals of Culture for the years 2020—2033. This we believe is another propaganda scheme, to promote the EU and its values. This report extends the scheme beyond the EU Member States to allow participation from EFTA and EEA countries, which only confirms the self-promotion of the EU on a wider international scale.
Assessment of Horizon 2020 implementation (A8-0209/2017 - Soledad Cabezón Ruiz)

. – UKIP voted against the non-legislative report on Horizon 2020. We in UKIP strongly support the role of research in our society. However, we believe that the EU desperately needs budget cuts as a result of heavy deficiencies in several of its policy areas.
Building blocks for a post-2020 EU cohesion policy (A8-0202/2017 - Kerstin Westphal)

. – UKIP MEPs voted against this non-legislative report on building blocks for a post-2020 cohesion policy. The document called on the Commission to ensure that there is better cooperation between the ESI Funds and other Union funds. It also endorsed the Paris climate change agreement and the report underlines that the increased visibility of the cohesion policy is vital to fight against Euroscepticism and can contribute to regaining citizens’ confidence and trust. UKIP does not support the Paris climate change agreement nor does it believe in wasting UK tax payers’ money on vanity projects in order for the EU to promote itself.
Status of fish stocks and socio-economic situation of the fishing sector in the Mediterranean (A8-0179/2017 - Marco Affronte)

. – We voted against this non-legislative resolution because it details an unworkable plan for a failed policy, the CFP (Common Fisheries Policy).
Agreement between the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway on an EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (A8-0072/2017 - David Borrelli)

. – We voted against as we note with concern the EU’s attempts to economically bully its neighbouring countries and wanted to send a strong condemnation. We would warn the EU that such an attempt to bully the UK would be foolhardy for both parties, and look forward to an amicable deal between the UK and the EU concerning market access once Brexit is complete.
The right funding mix for Europe’s regions: balancing financial instruments and grants in EU cohesion policy (A8-0139/2017 - Andrey Novakov)

. – UKIP MEPs voted against this non-legislative report. UKIP does not support the fact that more hard-earned tax-payer money is being thrown down the drain. The UK should have the right to spend its own money wherever it likes, without being directed by an unelected bureaucratic system which pumps vast amounts of money into failing projects. There is also the serious concern about the strong possibility of a repetition of the accumulated backlog of unpaid invoices. If the EU cannot control its finances with the money it already has, then why are national governments giving it more money? For these reasons UKIP voted against this report.
Future perspectives for technical assistance in cohesion policy (A8-0180/2017 - Ruža Tomašić)

. – UKIP MEPs voted against this non-legislative report. UKIP does not support the growing influence that the EU is having through national governments, and now it wants to expand even further to the local and regional authorities. The EU has no legitimacy to be intervening in any country’s national affairs.In addition, the report advocated increased communication on, and visibility for, the results and successes achieved with the support of the ESI funds which, in the rapporteur’s eyes, could contribute to regaining citizens’ confidence and trust in the European project. UKIP does not agree with the EU gaining more influence over Member States and we do not want to see more money being wasted on the EU promoting itself. For these reasons UKIP voted against this report.
Cross-border portability of online content services in the internal market (A8-0378/2016 - Jean-Marie Cavada)

. – UKIP voted against this Regulation as it will allow access to online content across the EU. It is discriminatory against people who are in the EU but their country of residence is not a Member State. This Regulation is calling for harmonisation of cross-portability rules across Member States and ensures that right holders and online service providers from different Member States are subject to the same rules. Harmonisation of copyright legislation is not practical. Furthermore if a one-off annual fee is payable it will not count as online content that can be included in this Regulation.
Implementation of the EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement (A8-0123/2017 - Adam Szejnfeld)

. – I abstained on this report as, although I am in favour of free trade, the EU-Korea FTA will cease to apply to the UK once we leave the EU. I therefore felt abstention was the most appropriate vote.
Achieving the two-state solution in the Middle East (RC-B8-0345/2017, B8-0345/2017, B8-0346/2017, B8-0347/2017, B8-0348/2017, B8-0352/2017, B8-0354/2017)

. – UKIP abstained on this non-legislative and non-binding resolution. UKIP supports international and regionally led initiatives to find a viable solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict as long as the sovereignty and integrity of Israel is maintained. However, we do not support any foreign-policy role for the European Union, or the two Common Security and Defence Policy missions in the region.
EU Strategy on Syria (RC-B8-0331/2017, B8-0331/2017, B8-0333/2017, B8-0335/2017, B8-0337/2017, B8-0338/2017, B8-0341/2017, B8-0342/2017)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding resolution. We are appalled at the longevity of the war in Syria and the human suffering this is causing. We support measures to bring a genuine and long lasting resolution to the war. However we remain firmly against the development of an EU foreign policy.
Road transport in the European Union (B8-0290/2017)

. – UKIP voted against this motion for a resolution, which covers infrastructure, competition, technological development and workers’ rights, among other things.The main problem here is the belief expressed in the resolution that the obstacles in the EU road transport sector are due to legal and bureaucratic complexities, and that these should be addressed in order to free up the movement of goods and services. The report advocates harmonisation, failing to recognise that the rules Member States have in place in relation to the acceptance of goods and workers are there for a reason.Furthermore, the resolution calls on the Commission to examine ways of reducing the bureaucratic and financial burdens of national legislation in order to facilitate the freedom to provide transport services across the EU. The Commission needs to take a hard look at itself before it turns to any examination of national legislation.
Dadaab refugee camp (RC-B8-0300/2017, B8-0300/2017, B8-0332/2017, B8-0334/2017, B8-0336/2017, B8-0339/2017)

. – UKIP abstained on this non-legislative and non-binding resolution. The Dadaab refugee camp represents the difficult balance in offering support for genuine refugees.
Making relocation happen (B8-0340/2017, B8-0343/2017, B8-0344/2017)

. – UKIP MEPs voted against this non-legislative motion for resolution. UKIP believes that asylum and immigration policy should be decided by national governments. UKIP MEPs also reject calls in this report for the Commission to conduct infringement proceedings against Member States which are not meeting relocation targets set by the EU.
Implementation of the Council's LGBTI Guidelines, particularly in relation to the persecution of (perceived) homosexual men in Chechnya, Russia (B8-0349/2017, B8-0349/2017, B8-0350/2017, B8-0351/2017, B8-0353/2017, B8-0355/2017, B8-0356/2017)

. – UKIP abstained on this on non-legislative and non-binding resolution. Whilst we share concerns at the gross breaches of human rights and the persecution that this report addresses we cannot support EU action on these issues.
Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2016/008 FI/Nokia Network Systems (A8-0196/2017 - Petri Sarvamaa)

. – UKIP voted against this budgetary vote to give over EUR 2.6 million to 821 Finnish workers who have lost their job. This is nothing more than EU dole money. British taxpayers’ money shouldn’t be used to pay for poor economic decisions in other countries.
Annual report 2014 on subsidiarity and proportionality (A8-0114/2017 - Sajjad Karim)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative report because we cannot support a report that welcomes subsidiarity and proportionality whilst in the same sentence acknowledges that they should be considered integral parts of the EU’s policy making process, UKIP does not agree with any part of EU policy making. In one sentence it seems that it is calling for national parliaments to have a greater say in EU policy making but effectively it is nothing more than an empty gesture leading to the negation of parliamentary sovereignty.
FinTech: the influence of technology on the future of the financial sector (A8-0176/2017 - Cora van Nieuwenhuizen)

. – This non-legislative report calls on the Commission to take further control of financial markets and their regulation, accordingly UKIP voted against.
Automated data exchange with regard to vehicle registration data in Croatia (A8-0171/2017 - Claude Moraes)

. – UKIP MEP’s have voted to abstain on this technically non-legislative report. UKIP support the cooperation between nations to combat terrorism and crime, but oppose this having to be done via the European Union. UKIP would prefer these agreements to be conducted on a bilateral basis.
Objection to a delegated act: Identifying high-risk third countries with strategic deficiencies (B8-0294/2017)

. – UKIP MEPs have voted to abstain on this legislative report. UKIP MEPs would normally support an objection to a Commission delegated act. On this occasion, however, the report specifically includes calls for the Commission to propose a new delegated act. UKIP MEPs feel that regardless of this rejection the Commission will ultimately still pass a delegated act.
Situation in Hungary (B8-0295/2017, B8-0296/2017)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding resolution. We believe that the full sovereignty of states should be respected; the intrusiveness of the European Union’s criticism, and calls for action against Hungary, run contrary to that concept. In particular, we are concerned about the inclusion of paragraph 7 in the resolution and the launch of Article 7(1) TEU against Hungary.
European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (B8-0298/2017)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding resolution. Education qualifications and certification should be a matter for individual states and we see no beneficial role unique to the European Union.
Protocol to the EU-Mongolia Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation (accession of Croatia) (A8-0074/2017 - Helmut Scholz)

. – UKIP voted against giving consent to this protocol. We do not support the expansion of the European Union, the facilitation of this in EU legislation or EU agreements with third countries.
EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina Stabilisation and Association Agreement (accession of Croatia) (A8-0169/2017 - Cristian Dan Preda)

. – UKIP voted against giving consent to this protocol. We do not support the expansion of the European Union, the facilitation of this in EU legislation or EU agreements with third countries.
EU-Norway Agreement on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for external borders and visa (A8-0174/2017 - Tomáš Zdechovský)

. – UKIP MEPs have voted against this technically legislative report. UKIP does not support further financial payments to EU bodies who have been assigned control of the EU’s external borders.
EU accession to the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) (A8-0187/2017 - Fernando Ruas)

. – We voted against this legislative report. Firstly, we object to the EU becoming a member of international bodies in its own right, as it would enable to the EU to bully other countries. Secondly, we note that the concept of the EU joining bodies in its own name is conferred by powers under the Lisbon Treaty, which the EU forced on the people of Europe without their consent.
EU eGovernment action plan 2016-2020 (A8-0178/2017 - Sabine Verheyen)

. – UKIP MEPs voted against this non-legislative report. UKIP believe that, whilst there may be some benefits for advancing the digitalisation of public sector bodies, this should be an exclusive competence of national governments and does not require EU funding or harmonisation practices.
Annual report 2015 on the protection of EU's financial interests - Fight against fraud (A8-0159/2017 - Julia Pitera)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative, non-binding report; even though the figures and criticisms are very useful, the solution it offers is that to combat the fraud there needs to be more EU legislation and power. The report highlights that the cost of known fraudulent and non-fraudulent irregularities in the budget amounts to over EUR 3 billion. It states that the ECB estimates that the cost of counterfeiting since the euro was set up in 2002 amounts to approximately EUR 500 million. The report criticises the Commission for the increases in irregularities and that the Commission no longer seems to want to publish an EU anti-corruption report anymore. However the solutions offered by the report call for more EU legislation and action on VAT, own resources and support for a European Public Prosecutor’s Office. The ultimate way to end fraud in the EU budget is to get rid of an EU budget altogether. UKIP voted against as we oppose calling for any more EU legislation and because we fundamentally disagree with the EU spending and wasting any taxpayers’ money.
Resource efficiency: reducing food waste, improving food safety (A8-0175/2017 - Biljana Borzan)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative report because not only do we deny climate change hysteria, but we also reject further EU legislation. Food waste is an issue that needs to be addressed by Europe and the world. However, we believe that national parliaments should monitor food safety issues without the creation of further EU legislation.
Evaluation of external aspects of customs performance and management as a tool to facilitate trade and fight illicit trade (A8-0162/2017 - Tiziana Beghin)

. – We voted to abstain on this own initiative report, as we do not wish to interfere in any measure that could combat fraud and illicit trade.
EU trade mark (A8-0054/2017 - Tadeusz Zwiefka)

. – UKIP voted against this legislative report, as it is wishing to create harmonisation with regards to trade marks. Furthermore the original text calls for an office to be responsible for the harmonisation which will have full legal, administrative and financial autonomy
Minamata Convention on Mercury (A8-0067/2017 - Stefan Eck)

. – UKIP is concerned of the adverse effects of mercury on human and animal health – in humans, mercury affects mostly the central nervous system and the kidneys. Acute inhalation, dermal exposure and chronic exposure are proved to be extremely damaging to human health. This is why UKIP abstained on this Recommendation.
Hybrid mismatches with third countries (A8-0134/2017 - Olle Ludvigsson)

. – The proposal is part of a package linked with harmonisation of taxes and the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base, accordingly UKIP voted against on this technically non-legislative report.
Agreement on Operational and Strategic Cooperation between Denmark and Europol (A8-0164/2017 - Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra)

. – UKIP MEP’s have voted to abstain on this technically non-legislative report. UKIP fully respects the will of the Danish people who chose to have less involvement with Europol. UKIP do, however, oppose calls in this report to exhaust all legal possibilities to invite Denmark to be full members of Europol. This without doubt seeks to undermine the democratic will of the Danish people.
Annual report on the control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank for 2015 (A8-0161/2017 - Nedzhmi Ali)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative, non-binding resolution. While the resolution called for some extra transparency, it still believes the EIB should exist and calls for it to continue to operate and spend money.
Structural Reform Support Programme for 2017-2020 (A8-0374/2016 - Lambert van Nistelrooij, Constanze Krehl)

. – UKIP MEPs have voted against this legislative report. UKIP does not support the Structural Reform Support Programme that has been put in place to strengthen the capacity of Member States to design and implement growth-enhancing administrative and structural reforms. The EU has no right to be intervening in national state affairs and in addition this vanity project costs the taxpayer EUR 142 million at current prices for the programme. In addition, the EU wants to see the further harmonisation of programmes and policies throughout the Union. For these reasons, UKIP voted against this report.
European Year of Cultural Heritage (A8-0340/2016 - Mircea Diaconu)

. – UKIP voted against this legislative report, we oppose the use of taxpayers money for another unnecessary scheme to promote the EU.
Union programme to support specific activities in the field of financial reporting and auditing (A8-0291/2016 - Theodor Dumitru Stolojan)

. – This legislative vote on regulation will increase the 2014-2020 budget for the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group to 57m euros, accordingly UKIP voted against.
Union programme to enhance the involvement of consumers in financial services policy making (A8-0008/2017 - Philippe Lamberts)

. – This legislative vote on regulation will increase funding by 6m euros for the period 2017-2020, accordingly UKIP voted against.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Commission and executive agencies (A8-0150/2017 - Joachim Zeller)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts of the Commission budget and related EU agencies for 2015. UKIP opposes the operation of EU agencies and is against the EU spending any taxpayers’ money. In the attached motion for a resolution UKIP voted for amendments that called for better rules regarding Commissioner conflicts of interest and better scrutiny of EU funds.
Discharge 2015: Court of Auditors' special reports in the context of the 2015 Commission discharge (A8-0160/2017 - Joachim Zeller)

. – UKIP abstained on this non-legislative, non-binding resolution. The Court of Auditors special reports are investigations into how EU money is being spent and often shed light on misuse of funds and help hold the un-elected Commission to account. While of course UKIP is opposed to any EU institution, we would not want to oppose the use of these special reports that are very useful to find out how taxpayers’ money is being spent.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th EDFs (A8-0125/2017 - Younous Omarjee)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Parliament (A8-0153/2017 - Dennis de Jong)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts of the European Parliament for 2015. UKIP opposes the operation of any EU institution in principle and the EU Parliament wastes billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money. UKIP voted for amendments to the attached resolution which called for a single seat; more transparency of internal documents; better transparency of the general expenditure allowance; better rules on the conduct of MEPs; that management costs of the European House of History should not be funded by taxpayers; and the ending of taxpayers’ money going to pan-EU political parties and foundations.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Council and Council (A8-0131/2017 - Bart Staes)

. – UKIP voted in favour of postponing discharge and postponing closure of the accounts of the Council for 2015. UKIP opposes the operation of any EU institution in principle and the EU Council wastes billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money. The Council historically does not fully cooperate with the discharge procedure of the European Parliament, so UKIP was happy to vote in favour of the attached resolution to criticise the Council for this.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Court of Justice (A8-0136/2017 - Benedek Jávor)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Court of Auditors (A8-0151/2017 - Benedek Jávor)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Economic and Social Committee (A8-0144/2017 - Bart Staes)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - Committee of the Regions (A8-0141/2017 - Bart Staes)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European External Action Service (A8-0122/2017 - Benedek Jávor)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Ombudsman (A8-0142/2017 - Benedek Jávor)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: EU general budget - European Data Protection Supervisor (A8-0140/2017 - Bart Staes)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: Performance, financial management and control of EU agencies (A8-0149/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP abstained on this non-legislative, non-binding resolution. This report is on the one hand calling for more transparency regarding the EU agencies, better budgetary reporting and stronger protection for whistle-blowers - however it also supports these EU agencies continuing and expanding their functions which UKIP can’t support.
Discharge 2015: Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) (A8-0147/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) (A8-0143/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Police College (CEPOL) (A8-0081/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) (A8-0087/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) (A8-0093/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Banking Authority (EBA) (A8-0079/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) (C8-0293/2016)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) (A8-0086/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Environment Agency (EEA) (A8-0085/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) (A8-0100/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (A8-0098/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (A8-0106/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) (A8-0101/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) (A8-0127/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Medicines Agency (EMA) (A8-0084/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) (A8-0099/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) (A8-0130/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) (A8-0115/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Railway Agency (ERA) (A8-0128/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) (A8-0124/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Training Foundation (ETF) (A8-0118/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) (A8-0105/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) (A8-0116/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: Euratom Supply Agency (ESA) (A8-0126/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) (A8-0111/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust) (A8-0129/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Police Office (Europol) (A8-0107/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) (A8-0146/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) (A8-0137/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: European GNSS Agency (GSA) (A8-0148/2017 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI) (A8-0103/2017 - Miroslav Poche)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (A8-0094/2017 - Miroslav Poche)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: ECSEL Joint Undertaking (A8-0113/2017 - Miroslav Poche)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH) (A8-0109/2017 - Miroslav Poche)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI) (A8-0083/2017 - Miroslav Poche)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: ITER Joint Undertaking (A8-0108/2017 - Miroslav Poche)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions of taxpayers’ money.
Discharge 2015: SESAR Joint Undertaking (A8-0096/2017 - Miroslav Poche)

. – UKIP voted against granting discharge and closing the accounts for EU agencies and institutions. UKIP is opposed to all EU institutions and agencies as they are not democratically controlled and waste billions in taxpayers’ money.
Management of fishing fleets in the outermost regions (A8-0138/2017 - Ulrike Rodust)

. – We opposed this non-legislative report as it would lead to more subsidy, which we see as a misuse of taxpayers’ money.
EU flagship initiative on the garment sector (A8-0080/2017 - Lola Sánchez Caldentey)

. – UKIP MEPs voted to abstain on this non-legislative report. UKIP does not support the Commission developing a monitoring system which encompasses data collection. The EU has no right to be intervening in national affairs. However, the report does talk about greater transparency and traceability of garments and it is calling on the Commission to promote gender equality, women’s empowerment and children’s rights. Although the report calls on the Commission a lot, it is centred around human rights, and more specifically children’s rights, and for this reason UKIP abstained.
State of play of farmland concentration in the EU: how to facilitate the access to land for farmers (A8-0119/2017 - Maria Noichl)

. – We opposed this non-legislative proposal as the report is neither sound economic analysis nor a good use of taxpayers’ money.
Annual report on the financial activities of the European Investment Bank (A8-0121/2017 - Georgios Kyrtsos)

. – This non-legislative non-binding report, suggests that the EIB should consider demanding more capital from shareholders (i.e. more money from the UK and other Member States) and calls on the Commission and Member States to increase the budget for external lending. Accordingly UKIP voted against it.
Implementation of the Mining Waste Directive (A8-0071/2017 - György Hölvényi)

. – UKIP believes it is important to protect human health and the environment from the improper management of waste facilities that could give rise to major accidents. We believe that measures, procedures and guidance to prevent and reduce adverse effects on the environment and human health resulting from the management of extractive waste should be established by national parliaments. That is why UKIP abstained on this non-legislative report.
Situation in Venezuela (RC-B8-0270/2017, B8-0270/2017, B8-0271/2017, B8-0272/2017, B8-0274/2017, B8-0275/2017, B8-0276/2017, B8-0277/2017)

. – UKIP abstained on this non-legislative and non-binding resolution. Whilst we are concerned at the ongoing political instability and civil unrest in the country, we cannot endorse EU action, increased involvement of the VP/HR or the sending of a Parliamentary delegation.
EU-Lebanon Euro-Mediterranean Agreement (accession of Croatia) (A8-0027/2017 - Ramona Nicole Mănescu)

. – UKIP voted against giving consent to this protocol. We do not support expansion of the European Union or the facilitation of this on European legislation.
EU-Liechtenstein Agreement on supplementary rules in relation to the instrument for financial support for external borders and visa (A8-0025/2017 - Josef Weidenholzer)

. – UKIP MEPs voted against this technically legislative report. UKIP do not support taxpayers’ money going towards facilitating the functioning of the Schengen Area.
Information exchange mechanism with regard to intergovernmental agreements and non-binding instruments in the field of energy (A8-0305/2016 - Zdzisław Krasnodębski)

. – UKIP voted against this legislative report. The report’s priority is to reach secure, affordable and sustainable energy. However, for many years EU climate and energy policies have directly contradicted these objectives. This proposal shows how the EU Commission keeps reiterating the same mistakes.
Obligations in the field of visa reciprocity (B8-0173/2017)

. – UKIP MEPs have voted to abstain on this non-legislative resolution. This report only impacts the visa arrangements for Member States who participate in the Schengen agreement.
Options for improving access to medicines (A8-0040/2017 - Soledad Cabezón Ruiz)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative report. We in UKIP understand the sensitivity of the issues addressed in this report. However, we are firmly against new EU legislation and we believe that this topic should fall within the competence of national parliaments.
Implementation of the Creative Europe programme (A8-0030/2017 - Silvia Costa)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative non-binding report. We oppose the existence of the financial guarantee facility of EUR 120 million from the EIF. We further oppose the calls in this report to introduce new initiatives and to increase budgets in order to sustain them.
Implementation of the Europe for Citizens programme (A8-0017/2017 - María Teresa Giménez Barbat)

. – UKIP voted against this non-legislative, non-binding report. We are inherently against the use of taxpayers’ money for a scheme that has a budget of EUR 185 million to promote the EU. We further oppose any call for an increase in budget for it.
Common Commercial Policy in the context of wildlife sustainability imperatives (A8-0012/2017 - Emma McClarkin)

. – UKIP does not wish to stand in the way of any measure which aims to tackle trade in products derived from endangered species. Whilst the EU’s track record of protecting animals and their rights is somewhat jaded, we nevertheless did not wish to oppose this, so we abstained, confident it would pass through the Parliament.
EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Agreement: procedures for its application (A8-0361/2016 - Adam Szejnfeld)

. – We voted against this legislative report, as it is a step towards the eventual EU membership of Kosovo. Kosovo’s poverty, corruption and treatment of its Serb minority make it unsuitable for membership. Whilst we are about to leave the EU, we are in no rush to add corrupt and impoverished countries to the EU to take the place of a vibrant and dynamic independent Britain. We also note the fact that Kosovo is not universally recognised as an independent state by important sections of the international community.
Imports of textile products from certain third countries not covered by specific Union import rules (A8-0311/2016 - Hannu Takkula)

. – This report concerns the trade in textiles from countries such as Belarus and North Korea. These countries are minimal players in EU trade, and this report was merely a technical tidying up exercise which we saw no need to oppose, so we abstained on this legislative report.
Conclusion of the Agreement continuing the International Science and Technology Center (A8-0363/2016 - Elmar Brok)

. – UKIP voted against. We do not support the EU’s membership of such organisations. Furthermore we do not support EU financial expenditure.
Objection to a delegated act: Identifying high-risk third countries with strategic deficiencies (B8-0001/2017)

. – This Motion for a Resolution seeks to reject the currently proposed delegated act, but calls on the Commission to propose another. Voting for or against would generate EU delegated legislation, hence the abstention.
Logistics in the EU and multimodal transport in the new TEN-T corridors (A8-0384/2016 - Inés Ayala Sender)

. – UKIP voted against this non legislative report, because this report is calling for Member States to be punished should there be a delay in the implementation of EU law. Furthermore the report is calling for disciplinary action to be taken against Member States that impede the free movement of goods by deliberately preventing freight flows.
A European Pillar of Social Rights (A8-0391/2016 - Maria João Rodrigues)

. – UKIP voted against this non-binding, non-legislative report. It included calls for an EU social security card, the creation of an arbitrary EU minimum income scheme and praised the free movement of people across Europe. Unelected and unaccountable EU institutions have no right to interfere with national law in this way. Only our elected and accountable national government should take these decisions.
Tackling the challenges of the EU Customs Code (UCC) implementation (B8-0024/2017)

. – UKIP MEPs voted against this non-legislative resolution. In principle, UKIP opposes the EU’s customs union and rejects calls for the Commission to instigate implementing acts.