5 Amendments of Bairbre de BRÚN related to 2011/2051(INI)

Amendment 117 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital L
L. whereas there should not be any differentiation in the treatment of farmers according to size of holding and legal form for the purpose of direct payments, although the possibility of introducing a basic allowance for small farmers should not be excludedvery large payments to individuals are difficult to justify and therefore direct payments should be subject to an upper limit,
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 556 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17
17. Observes that, for historical reasons, farms in the European Union have a very diverse structure as regards size, employment arrangements and legal form; is aware that direct payments Is of the view that very large decoupled payments to individuals cannot be justified, especially as these are largely for the purposes of income support and large moving away from a historical basis to area-basedfarms enjoy considerable economies of scale; that such payments aund that the provision of public goods is independent of farm size; rejects, therefore, measures which discriminate against particular types of farmermine public support for the CAP; and therefore, calls for payments to individuals to be capped at €100,000;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 608 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Considers that direct payments should be made only to active farmers; realises that, under the system of decoupled direct payments, each farmer who uses farmland for production or who tends it in order to maintain GAEC should receive direct payments; calls on the Commission therefore to devise a definition of ‘active farmer’ which the Member States can administer without additional administrative effort, while it should be ensured that traditional farming activities (full-time and various degrees of part-time) are classified as active farming; stresses that the definition of 'active farmer' must not result in an overall reduction of land entered into Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 schemes, nor a distortion of land markets by disrupting traditional landlord and tenant relationships;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 654 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21
21. Considers that resource protection should be directly linked to the granting of direct payments in order to attain these environmental objectives to the maximum without the need to introduce new, bureaucratic environmental conditions into the first pillar; considers that a flat- rate income payment, as envisaged in a top-up model in the first pillar, must cover costs and income lossesAsks the Commission to provide details of what greening actions it envisages to further attain environmental objectives and how these could be delivered in practice;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 674 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
22. Considers therefore that any environmental advantages can be attained more effectively and directly by means of second-pillar measures adopted by the Member States, which should ideally build on existing agrienvironmental measures or should supplement measures which take into account climatic and geographical differences in the Member States; observes that resource protection programmes should be pursued everywhere by means of a priority catalogue of area-based measures in the second pillar which are subject to basic requirements, particularly in the fields of climate, environment and innovation (Annex I), and are 100% EU-financed; regards the greening of direct payments in the first pillar as lying in the fact that any recipient of direct payments in the EU must implement at least two priority area- based resource protection programmes in order to be eligible for the complete farm payment; believes that the administration involved in these measures can be minimised by managing them in accordance with the system of the existing agrienvironmental programmes, thus avoiding duplication of monitoring and additional application and administration proceduresStresses that any further greening of the CAP should ensure that the greening requirements can be clearly and unambiguously defined and that additional bureaucratic requirements on farmers and national administrations are kept to a minimum;
Committee: AGRI