Activities of Marc TARABELLA related to 2021/2208(INI)

Shadow opinions (1)

OPINION on addressing food security in developing countries
Committee: AGRI
Dossiers: 2021/2208(INI)
Documents: PDF(131 KB) DOC(49 KB)
Authors: [{'name': 'Luke Ming FLANAGAN', 'mepid': 124985}]

Amendments (12)

Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1
1. Stresses that a policy on ensuring food security in developing countries must mirror the founding principles of the common agricultural policy, in that its primary goal must be to provide affordable safe foodnutritious, safe, affordable and high quality food throughout the year for its citizens while affording a fair standard of living for its farmers;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 1 a (new)
1a. Recalls Sustainable Development Goal 2, which aims to achieve zero hunger by 2030; Highlights that current food systems are unable to provide the world's population with diversified and quality food in sufficient quantity and to cope with the climate, social, health, and economic crises as confirmed by the COVID-19 pandemic; underlines that 3 billion people cannot afford healthy food and that 800 million people suffer from hunger; highlights that according to the UN's estimates, by the end of 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic might double the number of people facing severe hunger; regrets that food and nutrition security are not a priority in the Team Europe approach despite the escalating food crisis; urges the EU to mobilise additional resources to secure nutritious, safe, affordable and high quality food, particularly for those left furthest behind;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 15 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2
2. Emphasises that agriculture and food security are the foundation blocks for broader economic development,e EU's role as an enabler in the transformation of food systems so they can be more resilient, sustainable, and fair within and outside the EU and its role to tackle all forms of malnutrition in humanitarian, development, and any fragile contexts and insists that agricultural development must support self-sufficient agricultural production systems and food sovereignty in developing countries;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 25 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. PUrges the EU to guarantee the coherence of European agricultural and trade policies in line with the commitments to Policy Coherence for Development (PCD); points out the need for clear guidelines on how to achieve policy coherence for development at EU level while also addressing potentially conflicting policy objectives; calls on the Commission to provide support for developing countries to protect their sensitive and infant industries, promote food security, support climate change mitigation for agriculture, and meet EU and international sustainability standards for the export of their agricultural products;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 38 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Recalls the importance of systematically assessing the effects of new policies on developing countries in order to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals; with a particular focus on SDG 2 "Zero Hunger";
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 47 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Underlines that the farm to fork strategy is the EU’s most ambitious policy framework to promote a more sustainable and resilient EU food system and support a global transition to sustainable food systems; practices which preserves natural resources according to the Biodiversity Strategy’s objectives; nonetheless, regrets that the global dimension of the Strategy does not include concrete proposals to realize the Right to Adequate Food, implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas or address measures to globally improve the working conditions of farmworkers and the income of small-scale farmers that are part of international food supply chains, or ensure the precautionary principle is included for all food safety requirements; calls on the EU to align its trade policy with the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies’ objectives, and the carbon neutrality objective of the EU Green Deal;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 50 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Underlines the essential role of women and girls in food systems; recalls that while the majority of smallholder farmers in developing countries are women, they are severely disadvantaged in their access to food and their burden of work; emphasizes that EU policies concerning fair, sustainable, and resilient food systems have to explicitly address gender inequality, especially women and girls' access to nutritious food, land, credit, knowledge, dignified work, natural resources and markets, and to ensure their rights and participation in decision making;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 60 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. Stresses the necessity to reinforce research and share innovations between the EU and developing countries to increase food system resilience, especially in the context of climate change and to boost responsible and ethical innovations to promote sustainable agricultural practices; highlights that poor infrastructure and sanitation in developing countries are also closely linked to food instability, and must be targeted in the effort to improve food security; emphasizes on the importance of implementing the circular economy in agricultural production systems to increase their sustainability and resource- efficiency, and to decrease food losses and waste to the best extent possible;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 71 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7
7. Encourages increased consistency between EU development and trade policies to support the global transition to sustainable agrifood systems; stresses that EU free trade agreements (FTAs) should not disrupt local agriculture, damage small producers or exacerbate dependency on food imports; recalls the principle of policy coherence for development to ensure European exports do not hinder the development of local and emerging production; calls for support for food sovereignty and local and regional markets as an alternative to current trade-oriented agricultural policies; urges support for local production and consumption which can ensure local employment creation, assure fair prices, guarantee the protection of workers’ health and safety, lessen countries' dependency on imports and their vulnerability to international price fluctuations;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 75 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)
7a. Stresses that all actors of the agri- food sector need to exercise due diligence over their supply chain, namely to set up responsible and effective practices regarding the environment, human rights and good governance (e.g. minimum age requirements and occupational safety); welcomes the announcement of legislative initiatives in 2021-2022 to enhance cooperation of primary producers to support their position in the food chain; insists that the legislation should not only cover EU based producers but also protect producers and farmers from developing countries who work with European companies;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 80 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8
8. Notes that while lifting export subsidies and decoupling direct payments has significantly reduced the risk of dumping practices, some areas of concern persist and should be closely monitored, in particular agricultural sectors still tied to coupled income support in many EU Member States.Regrets the generalizes decoupling of aid and the shift from aid per hectare, and the abandonment of regulatory mechanisms resulting in prices which are below production costs; reaffirms the right of producers to be rewarded a fair price for their work;
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 88 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 8 a (new)
8a. Denounces the EU’s double standards on pesticides, which allow the export from the EU of hazardous substances which are themselves banned in the EU; highlights that the use of some pesticides in intensive agriculture in developing countries impact the health of workers in addition to causing environmental damage; calls for education and training in sustainable plant protection, agroecological and organic practices;
Committee: AGRI