2 Amendments of Antonyia PARVANOVA related to 2013/2195(DEC)

Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. With regard to the overall implementation of the budgetary headings for environment, climate action, public health and food safety in 2012, the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety is satisfied; recalls againgrets that less than 0,8 per cent of the Union budget is dedicated to those policy instruments bearing in mind the clear EU added value in these fields and the support from European citizens for EU environmental and climate policies as well as for public health and food safety;
Committee: ENVI
Amendment 14 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 11
11. Notes that DG SANCO was responsible to implement EUR 230.436.939 on public health budget lines in 2012 of which 99,3% have been committed satisfactorily; is however aware that roughly 77% of that budget is directly transferred to three decentralised agencies (ECDC, EFSA and EMA); agrees also very much on the execution of 99,2% in payment appropriations; notes that EUR 2.5 million of payment credits have been added through the global transfer DEC 30/2012 becoming necessary following a slow- down in the signature of grant agreement s under a 2011 call of which pre-financings were to be paid in 2012;
Committee: ENVI