2 Amendments of Dimitar STOYANOV related to 2011/0281(COD)

Amendment 1923 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 130 а (new)
Article 130а Traditional supply needs for sugar refining 1. Until the end of the 2019-2020 marketing year, the traditional supply needs of sugar for refining are fixed for the EU at 3 500 000 tonnes per marketing year, expressed in white sugar. 2. The Commission may, by means of implementing acts in accordance with Article 160, reduce the scale of the traditional supply needs indicated in paragraph 1 where it establishes, for the marketing year in question, that total sugar and isoglucose imports will significantly exceed demand for raw sugar. In that event, the reduction in quantities for traditional supply needs shall always be effected in parallel with a reduction in sugar beet and isoglucose quotas, while with an eye to the reduction of maximum import quantities the Commission shall set a common rate for the reduction of all three products. 3. The sole sugar beet processing plant at work in 2005 in Portugal is deemed to be a full-time refiner. 4. Import licences for sugar for refining shall be issued only to full-time refiners provided that the quantities in question do not exceed the quantities that may be imported in the framework of the traditional supply need referred to in paragraph 1. The licences may be transferred only between full-time refiners and their validity expires at the end of the marketing year for which they have been issued. This paragraph shall apply for the first three months of each marketing year. 5. Taking into account the need to ensure that imported sugar for refining is refined in accordance with this sub-section, the Commission may, by means of delegated acts in accordance with Article 160, adopt: а) certain definitions for the operation of the import arrangements referred to in paragraph 1; b) the conditions and eligibility requirements that an operator has to fulfil to lodge an application for an import licence, including the lodging of a security; c) rules on administrative penalties to be charged. 6. The Commission may, by means of implementing acts in accordance with Article 162(2), adopt the necessary rules concerning the supporting documents to be supplied in connection with the requirements and obligations applicable to importers, and in particular to full-time refiners.
Committee: AGRI
Amendment 1931 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 130 b (new)
Article 130b Suspension of import duties on additional quantities of cane sugar for refining 1. Import duties on cane sugar for refining shall be suspended in respect of necessary additional quantities that are needed to guarantee supply to full-time refiners in the marketing year in question. 2. The Commission shall, by means of implementing acts, set the additional quantities referred to in paragraph 1, which shall be the difference between the traditional supply needs indicated in Article 130а and the estimate for the supply of cane sugar for refining for the marketing year in question. 3. At the start of each marketing year, the Commission shall draw up an estimate for the supply of cane sugar for refining, which shall be updated in view of the quantity of cane sugar which is to be imported during the marketing year in question. That updating shall be performed prior to the allocation of the additional quantity and the subsequent issuing of import licences for that quantity. 4. By no later than the November of the marketing year in question, the Commission shall issue import licences for 70% of the sugar for refining forming part of the additional quantity. The import licences for the first half of the remaining additional quantity shall be issued by the end of the February, and for the second half by the end of May, of that marketing year. 5. If, after the estimate has been updated, the need is established to increase the additional quantity, the difference between that increase and the quantity initially set shall be allocated by means of the issuing of licences by the end of the marketing year in question, which shall also be valid during the first three months of the following marketing year .
Committee: AGRI