5 Amendments of Giovanna CORDA related to 2008/2224(INI)

Amendment 6 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Considers it essential that Members of the European Parliament, Members of the Commission and the staff of the European institutions should be able to travel across the European Union in order to engage in dialogue with citizens from all the Member States, better understand their situation and explain the ongoing legislative work;
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3
3. Calls on Member States to increase the financial and human resources allocated to the SOLVIT problem-solving networknetwork that makes it possible to resolve problems arising from the misapplication or non-application of Community legislation free of charge; asks the Commission to accelerate the streamlining of the different services providing information and advice regarding the Single Market; strongly supports, therefore, the concept contained in the communication 'A single market for 21st century Europe' of an integrated approach to the provision of Single Market Assistance Services through the creation of a single-entry webpage;
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 8 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Asks the Commission to strengthen its coordinatiofinancial and human efforts in the fields of consumer education and consumer information; calls on Member States to raise awareness of the European Consumer Centres Network andboost the financial and human resources allocated to the European Consumer Centres Network in order to raise awareness and ensure the application of EU consumer rights;
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 11 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5
5. Urges Member States, in view of the global financial crisis and rising levels of consumer indebtedness, to make efforts to improve the level of financial literacy of consumerknowledge, rights and means of redress for consumers with regard to savings and loans;
Committee: IMCO
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6
6. WelcomNotes the Commission's initiatives on the reduction of administrative burdens and better regulation; calls in particular for improvements fto support small and medium-sized enterprises, which represent an important source of jobs in Europe.
Committee: IMCO