2 Amendments of Anni PODIMATA related to 2010/0280(COD)

Amendment 145 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 7 a (new)
(7a) An assessment of the sustainability of public finances, including the debt level, debt profile (including maturity and private debt) and debt dynamics should be more strongly taken into account in the pace of convergence towards Member- State-specific medium term budgetary objectives to be included in the Stability and Convergence Programmes.
Committee: ECON
Amendment 285 #
Proposal for a regulation – amending act
Article 1 – point 4
Regulation (EC) No 1466/97
Article 5 – paragraph 1 – subparagraph 2
The Council, when assessing the adjustment path toward the medium-term budgetary objective, shall examine if the Member State concerned pursues an appropriate annual improvement of its cyclically-adjusted budget balance, net of one-off and other temporary measures, required to meet its medium-term budgetary objective, with 0.5% of GDP as a benchmark. For Member States with a high level of debt or excessive macroeconomic imbalances or both, the Council shall examine whether the annual improvement of the cyclically- adjusted budget balance, net of one-off and other temporary measures is higher than 0.5% of GDP. The Council shall take into account whether a higher adjustment effort is made in economic good times, whereas the effort may be more limited in economic bad times.
Committee: ECON