5 Amendments of Costas BOTOPOULOS related to 2008/2334(INI)

Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph - 1 a (new)
- 1a. Stresses that some elements proposed in the Recovery Plan are too vaguely formulated; asks the Commission to supply the two branches of the budgetary authority without delay with all the detailed information they need to take a decision; also stresses that several elements included in the Recovery Plan require a modification of the existing multi-annual programmes; recalls in this regard that these changes must be made in full compliance with the powers of the European Parliament;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 4 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph - 1 b (new)
- 1b. Stresses that as a result there is a risk that the implementation of the Recovery Plan as proposed by the Commission will take a considerable time and urges all the institutions concerned to adopt the necessary decisions as quickly as possible, given the very difficult economic situation the European Union is currently in;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 5 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph - 1 c (new)
- 1c. Stresses that most of the Community measures proposed by the Commission are based on a budgetary redeployment of allocations already programmed and not on the mobilisation of new budget resources; calls on the Commission to draw all the necessary conclusions from the very bad economic forecast it published in January 2009 and to reassess it budget proposals in the light of these new forecasts;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 13 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 3 b (new)
3b. Notes that the Commission proposes to give the EIB new financial instruments so as to support initiatives such as the green cars initiative, the factories of the future initiative, the energy-efficient buildings initiative or its participation in the 2020 fund for energy, climate change and infrastructure; asks the Commission to indicate to the two branches of the budgetary authority the extent to which these new instruments will require intervention from the EU budget; further notes that the increase in the tasks conferred on the EIB and the EBRD poses significant questions with regard to the democratic scrutiny of the projects being financed, when funds from the EU budget are at stake;
Committee: BUDG
Amendment 24 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 5 a (new)
5a. Asks the Commission, however, to take into account the budgetary and regulatory difficulties in the implementation of actions such as JASMINE, JASPERS and JEREMIE and to find solutions to them; recalls that the implementation of these programmes follows on from pilot projects and preparatory actions adopted by the European Parliament in the framework of the annual budgetary procedure and that Parliament gives them particular importance; stresses that their contribution to the recovery of economic activity in the European regions could be decisive;
Committee: BUDG