3 Amendments of Renate WEBER related to 2012/2285(INI)

Amendment 3 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)
2a. Notes with concern that, owing to the ongoing economic crisis, the Commission does not foresee increased EU funding for law enforcement authorities in Member States, aiming at a better protection of EU financial interests, in the context of its new comprehensive EU strategy; considers that this strategy should be a coherent and comprehensive response aiming to decrease the smuggling and increase collected revenues and therefore ensure that such an investment pays off in the future;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 7 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4
4. Welcomes the Action plan to fight against smuggling of cigarettes and alcohol along the EU Eastern border, and notes that this illegal activity is leading to important financial losses for the EU budget and for the budgets of the Member States (estimated at EUR 10 billion/year); emphasises that this activity serves as an important source of financing for internationally structured criminal organisations, and outlines, therefore, the importance of strengthening the external dimension of the aforementioned Action plan, which foresees supporting enforcement capacity in neighbouring countries, providing technical assistance and training, raising awareness, stepping up operational cooperation, such as Joint Customs Operations (JCO), as well as sharing intelligence and enhancing international cooperation;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 10 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)
4a. Welcomes anti-fraud policies at EU level that include a higher degree of cooperation with third countries, such as the Anti-fraud Transit Information System, which grants access to EFTA countries, the Mutual Administrative Assistance (MAA) and related anti-fraud provisions with third countries, the Joint Customs Operations (JCO) that took place in 2011, such as Fireblade with Croatia, Ukraine and Moldova and Barrel, with Croatia, Turkey, Norway and Switzerland; welcomes the results of these actions and their financial impact;
Committee: AFET