Activities of László TŐKÉS related to 2015/2342(INI)

Plenary speeches (1)

Addressing refugee and migrant movements: the role of EU External Action (debate) HU
Dossiers: 2015/2342(INI)

Amendments (17)

Amendment 79 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
F. whereas the increase in human mobility, if managed in a safe, orderly, regular and responsible manner, can provide significant benefits, as recognised by the 2030 Agenda, but these are often largely underestimated; whereas the ageing of the European population requires, among other measures, relying on foreign workers in order to guarantee an adequate balance between active and retired people;deleted
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 83 #
Motion for a resolution
Recital F
F. whereas the increase in human mobility, if managed in a safe, orderly, regular and responsible manner, can provide significant benefits, as recognised by the 2030 Agenda, but these are often largely underestimated; whereas the ageing of the European population requires, among other measures, relying on foreign workers in order to guarantee an adequate balance between active and retired people;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 120 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Underlines the fact that we are witnessing in today’s world an unprecedented level of human mobility, and stresses that one of the most urgent actions the international community must undertake is the strengthening of a common response to address the challenges and opportunities that this phenomenon represents; stresses that this response must be guided by the full protection of the rights and dignity of, and the provision of assistance in their home country, for everyone forced by any circumstance to flee their homes in search of a better life; underlines that, though their treatment is governed by separate legal frameworks, refugees and migrants have the same universal human rights and fundamental freedoms, which need to be safeguarded regardless of their status; recalls that the EU must abide by its values and principles in all common policies and promote them in its external relations;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 121 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1
1. Underlines the fact that we are witnessing in today’s world an unprecedented level of human mobility, and stresses that one of the most urgent actions the international community must undertake is the strengthening of a common response to address the challenges and opportunities that this phenomenon represents; stresses that this response must be guided by the full protection of the rights and dignity of, and the provision of assistance in their home country, for everyone forced by any circumstance to flee their homes in search of a better life; underlines that, though their treatment is governed by separate legal frameworks, refugees and migrants have the same universal human rights and fundamental freedoms, which need to be safeguarded regardless of their status; recalls that the EU must abide by its values and principles in all common policies and promote them in its external relations;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 147 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses that well-managed international migration represents an importcant contributione to socioeconomic development, as it has done historically, and that it is necessary to encourage this by changinge the current narrative and developing a positive one one based on solidarity, countering xenophobic, populist and nationalistic discourses and adopting policies focused on the medium and long term and not exclusively guided by immediate political pressures, while also addressing legitimate concerns regarding border management, social protection for vulnerable groups and integration of refugees and migrants;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 148 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2
2. Stresses that well-managed international migration represents an importcant contributione to socioeconomic development, as it has done historically, and that it is necessary to encourage this by changinge the current narrative and developing a positive one one based on solidarity, countering xenophobic, populist and nationalistic discourses and adopting policies focused on the medium and long term and not exclusively guided by immediate political pressures, while also addressing legitimate concerns regarding border management, social protection for vulnerable groups and integration of refugees and migrants;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 161 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Recognises that the humanitarian aid system is dangerously overstretched and that it will never be sufficient to respond to forced displacement crises, in particular given the protracted nature of a majority of them; welcomes therefore the new policy framework outlined in the Commission communication on ‘Forced Displacement and Development’ of April 2016; notes the importance of promoting closer humanitarian-development links and the need to engage with different partners – governments, local authorities, civil society, including refugees themselves, local religious organisations and NGOs, and the private sector – to develop targeted evidence-based strategies to tackle this challenge;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 162 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3
3. Recognises that the humanitarian aid system is dangerously overstretched and that it will never be sufficient to respond to forced displacement crises, in particular given the protracted nature of a majority of them; welcomes therefore the new policy framework outlined in the Commission communication on ‘Forced Displacement and Development’ of April 2016; notes the importance of promoting closer humanitarian-development links and the need to engage with different partners – governments, local authorities, civil society, including refugees themselves, local religious organisations and NGOs, and the private sector – to develop targeted evidence-based strategies to tackle this challenge;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 180 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Stresses that EU development cooperation should continue to address the root causes of forced displacement by promoting peace, democracy and security, reducing poverty and inequality, strengthening basic services, addressing state fragility and promoting human rights and good governance, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 16 in the new 2030 Agenda, and establishing closer cooperation with the leaders of local religious organisations and NGOs;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 181 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4
4. Stresses that EU development cooperation should continue to address the root causes of forced displacement by promoting peace, democracy and security, reducing poverty and inequality, strengthening basic services, addressing state fragility and promoting human rights and good governance, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 16 in the new 2030 Agenda, and establishing closer cooperation with the leaders of local religious organisations and NGOs;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 265 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Underlines that the international community may regard the resettlement of forcibly displaced persons is aas its own responsibility of the international community; considers it crucial to implement as a matter of urgency a coordinated response in third countries to grant asylum for people in need of international protection, instead of leaving the burden on the front-line states or countries neighbouring conflict zones; highlights the fact that financial support is outpaced by the scope and scale of displacement, compounded by the lack of solutions to address the root causes of this forced displacement;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 266 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Underlines that the international community may regard the resettlement of forcibly displaced persons is aas its own responsibility of the international community; considers it crucial to implement as a matter of urgency a coordinated response in third countries to grant asylum for people in need of international protection, instead of leaving the burden on the front-line states or countries neighbouring conflict zones; highlights the fact that financial support is outpaced by the scope and scale of displacement, compounded by the lack of solutions to address the root causes of this forced displacement;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 267 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
8. Underlines that the resettlementassistance of forcibly displaced persons in their home country is a responsibility of the international community; considers it crucial to implement as a matter of urgency a coordinated response in third countries to grant asylum for people in need of international protection, instead of leaving the burden on the front-line states or countries neighbouring conflict zones; highlights the fact that financial support is outpaced by the scope and scale of displacement, compounded by the lack of solutions to address the root causes of this forced displacement;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 285 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Stresses nonetheless the need to find political solutions to violent conflicts and to invest in early-warning and conflict- prevention mechanisms so as to reduce them in the future; calls for the EU to take a more active and effective role in the field of prevention and mediation; stresses that the response to forced displacement needs to be rights-based and take account of the population’s vulnerabilities – in particular as regards women and minors – and not be limited to humanitarian assistance but also involve development actors; and local religious organisations and NGOs;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 286 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9
9. Stresses nonetheless the need to find political solutions to violent conflicts and to invest in early-warning and conflict- prevention mechanisms so as to reduce them in the future; calls for the EU to take a more active and effective role in the field of prevention and mediation; stresses that the response to forced displacement needs to be rights-based and take account of the population’s vulnerabilities – in particular as regards women and minors – and not be limited to humanitarian assistance but also involve development actors and local religious organisations and NGOs;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 526 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20
20. Welcomes the use of common security and defence policy (CSDP) missions such as EUCAP Sahel Niger and EUNAVFOR MED, cooperation with NATO, and EU initiatives such as Europol’s Joint Operational Team (JOT) Mare to gather intelligence and fight smugglers, while underlining that global mobility should not be considered a threat; recommends the use of CSDP tools for early warning (forecasting), mediation and conflict resolution, while stressing the importance of starting to plan for durable solutions as early as possible in conflict situations;
Committee: AFETDEVE
Amendment 527 #
20. Welcomes the use of common security and defence policy (CSDP) missions such as EUCAP Sahel Niger and EUNAVFOR MED, cooperation with NATO, and EU initiatives such as Europol’s Joint Operational Team (JOT) Mare to gather intelligence and fight smugglers, while underlining that global mobility should not be considered a threat; recommends the use of CSDP tools for early warning (forecasting), mediation and conflict resolution, while stressing the importance of starting to plan for durable solutions as early as possible in conflict situations;
Committee: AFETDEVE