7 Amendments of Christa PRETS related to 2008/2034(INI)

Amendment 1 #
Draft opinion
Citation 3 a (new)
- Having regard to the Commission Communication “Towards a EU strategy on the Rights of the Child” (COM (20060 367) and to the European Parliament resolution thereon of 16 January 20081, in particular paragraphs 94 - 117,
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 51 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 a (new)
6a. Stresses the importance, considering in each case the best interests of the child, of supporting the reuniting of street children, trafficked children and unaccompanied minors with their families; highlights that reunion should be accompanied by special measures of social reintegration where the socio- economic situation has led the child to engage in illicit income-generating activities which are harmful to the child’s physical and moral development, such as prostitution and drug dealing;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 52 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 b (new)
16b. Encourages Eurostat to establish a link with the set of indicators that is being developed to monitor the impact of EU activity on children’s rights and welfare, commissioned by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency; points to the need for a joint effort of the Commission, the Fundamental Rights Agency and the Member States to work in cooperation with relevant UN agencies, international organisations and research centres towards improving the gathering of comparable statistical data on the situation of children in the EU1; calls on Member States to take all possible measures to respect the Recommendation expressed in the Social Protection Committee's Report on Child Poverty and Well-being in Europe, adopted on 17 January 2008, which stresses that Member States should review the different data sources available at national and sub-national levels on children in vulnerable situations; Or. en 2007/2093(INI)).
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 53 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 c (new)
6c. Encourages Member States to consider that the vicious circle of extreme poverty, vulnerability, discrimination and social exclusion puts children, and particularly street children, at particular risk and that differentiated and individualised actions are required to address multiple deprivations; urges Member States to endorse a European joint effort to stop child trafficking and prostitution, child drug addiction, violence against children and juvenile delinquency;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 54 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 d (new)
6d. Recalls the value that good quality education and vocational training leading to “good jobs” for young people have in their emotional, social, physical or cognitive development and in breaking the intergenerational inheritance of poverty; calls on Member States to ensure that these services are accessibly and effectively delivered to the most marginalised groups of children and young people regardless of race, ethnic origin, class, gender, age or disabilities; calls for targeted educational services, including non-formal education, as temporary and non-discriminatory measures to assist those children who do not have access to mainstream education;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 55 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 e (new)
6e. Calls on the EU, the Member States and organised civil society associations to ensure that child participation is always organised according to the fundamental principles of safe and meaningful participation;
Committee: FEMM
Amendment 56 #
Draft opinion
Paragraph 6 f (new)
1 Texts Adopted, P6_TA(2008)0012.6f. Recalls that extreme poverty and marginalisation seriously affect the development of street children, make them particularly vulnerable to physical, mental and sexual abuse, hinder access to quality services and lead them into illicit activities which place them on the fringes of society and hamper their opportunities to have access to the labour market; urges Member States to undertake concrete and targeted measures to address the specific needs of street children and to better coordinate the action of central, regional and local authorities to overcome the insufficiency of normal intervention methods addressing them; stresses the growing European dimension of the phenomenon of street children and calls for a joint coordinated action addressing the root causes of extreme marginalisation and poverty of street children and their families, improving their access to quality services and combating organised crime; calls on the Council to agree on an EU-wide commitment based on the European Parliament resolution of 16 January 2008 “Towards an EU strategy on the rights of the child”1 to end the phenomenon of street children by 2015; Or. en
Committee: FEMM