8 Amendments of Udo BULLMANN related to 2024/0159M(NLE)
Amendment 1 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1, 1 a (new)
Paragraph 1, 1 a (new)
1. Notes the importance of the EU- Guinea-Bissau SFPA, both for Guinea- Bissau and for EU fleets operating in the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone; emphasises that there could be more effective fisheries cooperation between the EU and Guinea- Bissau and reiterates its call on the Commission to take every step required to make the new Protocol on implementing the agreement more ambitious and clearer than its predecessors so as to ensure that this SFPA leads to a satisfactory level of development of the local fisheries sector in overall terms and increased added value for coastal communities, does not undermine their food security and sovereignty and is consistent with the objectives referred to in UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development and with the development objectives set out in Article 208 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; 1 a. Encourages the Commission to develop a more ambitious partnership agreement facilitating the export of fishing products, sustainably processed on the African continent and provided it does not undermine food security of the local population;
Amendment 2 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2, 2 a (new)
Paragraph 2, 2 a (new)
2. Considers that the objectives of the EU-Guinea-Bissau SFPA have been realised to varying degrees: while the agreement has offered and still provides considerable fishing opportunities for EU vessels from several Member States in the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone, in view of the considerable use made of those opportunities by European vessel owners, the same cannot be said of the local fisheries sector, whose development remains insufficient or unsatisfactory overall; recalls that Guinea-Bissau is one of the poorest, most unstable and Least Developed Countries in the region; 2 a. Advocates for infrastructure to be developed and fishery products to be exploited in a way that ensures tangible results for local and artisanal fisheries, prioritising their needs and supporting infrastructure development and market access;
Amendment 3 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5, 5 a, 5 b, 5 c (new)
Paragraph 5, 5 a, 5 b, 5 c (new)
5. Welcomes the contribution of EU vessels to food security in Guinea- Bissau through direct landings, as specified in Chapter V of the Annex to the Protocol, for the benefit of local communities and to promote internal fish trade and consumption, while deploring the fact that the tonnage involved is low with 94 tonnes reported in 2022; 5 a. Notes that the main problem facing the small-scale fisheries sector is the lack of infrastructure for landing, preserving, and processing fish products; recalls that small-scale fisheries make a major contribution to food security, with fish being the main source of protein available at an affordable price; stresses that the long-term food security needs of the population should be prioritised and highlights the importance of maintaining sustainable fish stocks to ensure food security for coastal communities; reminds that 97% of the stocks fished in Guinea-Bissau is landing in other countries; encourages therefore European vessels to land at least 2% to the local population; 5 b. Welcomes the fact that the for the first time in an SFPA, the preamble to the Guinea-Bissau-EU protocol refers to the FAO Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries; underlines that their inclusion in the protocol text shows the determination of both parties to make this sector a priority; however, notes that artisanal fishing communities were not consulted at any stage in the process of drawing up the new protocol; stresses that EU’s commitment to support the local fisheries sector in Guinea- Bissau entails to involve their participation in the identification of priorities for the use of sectoral support funds; 5 c. Calls on the Guinea-Bissau's government and the Commission to improve the participation of coastal and small-scale fishing communities during the implementation of the new protocol, notably ahead of the Joint Committee meetings;
Amendment 4 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10, 10 a (new)
Paragraph 10, 10 a (new)
10. Urges the Commission and Member States, in their cooperation and official development assistance policies, to take into account the fact that the European Development Fund (EDF)Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe and its multiannual indicative programme 2021-2027, and sectoral support provided for in the EU- Guinea-Bissau SFPA should complement each other and be fully coordinated, with a view to strengthening the local fisheries sector and ensuring food security for coastal communities; 10 a. Stresses that training of artisanal fishers, notably for women, is a necessary condition to the development of the local fisheries sector; urges the EU to also use sectoral support funds to this effect;
Amendment 5 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14 a (new)
Paragraph 14 a (new)
14 a. Recalls that Guinea-Bissau is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change; calls for the conservation of marine ecosystems, funding for efforts to combat coastal erosion, and broad mitigation measures for the impacts of climate change on fisheries;
Amendment 6 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17 a, 17 b (new)
Paragraph 17 a, 17 b (new)
17 a. Stresses that Guinea-Bissau’s GDP is heavily reliant on its marine resources; highlights the importance of supporting scientific assessments of fish stocks and ensuring that catch limits and quotas are adhered to in order to remain within sustainable limits and prevent the depletion of marine resources; 17 b. Encourages the Commission to promote the use of sectoral support in order to accentuate surveillance, controls and develop scientific research on stocks such as through a laboratory in order to train local workers to EU standards on hygiene, fish processing and packaging; training is a long-term investment for the development of the local blue economy, fish trade, protecting of local businesses and environment;
Amendment 7 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 21 a (new)
Paragraph 21 a (new)
21 a. Calls on the EU to address the lack of transparency in the fishing sector in Guinea-Bissau which results i.e. from flags of convenience, flag hopping, complex corporate structures and lack of public information on beneficial owners recalls that robust and reliable data as well as transparent information is needed to calculate the available surplus; recalls that illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing damages food security and the livelihoods of people in coastal countries as well as ocean’s ecosystems; notes with concern that Guinea-Bissau is developing into a fast-emerging flag of convenience, which hampers the fight against IUU; notes that selling boats to joint ventures majority-owned by local partners is one of the key ways in which foreign companies can access West African countries’ flags; urges the EU to limit flags of convenience and re-flagging as a means to combat IUU fishing and comply with high sustainability standards; urges equally the EU Member States to continue promoting transparency of corporate structure;
Amendment 8 #
Draft motion for a resolution
Recitals D a (new), H, I, L, M, N, O a, O b, O c, O d (new), S
Recitals D a (new), H, I, L, M, N, O a, O b, O c, O d (new), S