5 Amendments of Helmuth MARKOV related to 2008/2171(INI)

Amendment 51 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 30 a (new)
30a. Stresses that the recent years of high economic growth in China have not benefited all segments of the Chinese population and that the social gap between the rich and the poor has never been as significant as now; believes that a fairer distribution of the wealth is necessary to enable socially sustainable development in China;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 56 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 34
34. Urges China to ratify key International Labour Organisation Conventions, in particular Convention No 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise, as well as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) which China has signed but not yet ratified;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 59 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 35
35. Calls on European businesses operating in China to apply best practices in corporate social responsibility with regard to workers and the environment; urges these European companies to sign global framework agreements which would entail a common base of rules regarding wages, working time and protection for the workers encompassing working places and sub contractors related to the specific company;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 61 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 36 a (new)
36a. Urges European businesses operating in China to refrain from any action or protest which would risk diluting proposals for labour market legislation or social protection anticipated by the Chinese government for the benefit of Chinese workers and the environment;
Committee: INTA
Amendment 64 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 38
38. Stresses that the new EU-China Partnership and Cooperation Agreement should aim to establish free and fair trade and should also includbased on the enforceablement of clauses on human rights, environmental, sustainable development and social issues;
Committee: INTA