6 Amendments of Cristina GUTIÉRREZ-CORTINES related to 2011/0400(NLE)

Amendment 63 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
(3) By supporting nuclear research, the Research and Training Programme of the Community (hereinafter the ‘Euratom Programme’) will contribute to achieving objectives of the ‘Horizon 2020’ Framework Programme for Research and Innovation established by Regulation (EU XX/XXXX of [….]5 (hereinafter ‘Horizon 2020 Framework Programme’) and, facilitate implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and the creation and operation of the European Research Area and help to implement the SET-Plan.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 64 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3 a (new)
(3a) The Euratom Programme will support the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Initiative and its Platform, the Implementing Geological Disposal Technology Platform and the Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative, launched under the Seventh Euratom Programme.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 96 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point d a (new)
(da) contribute to the R&D agenda resulting from the recommendations listed in the conclusions of the Union stress- tests such as those related to seismic modelling or core melt simulation;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 97 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 3 – paragraph 2 – point d b (new)
(db) support the long-term sustainability of nuclear fission through improvements in the field of reactor time extension or in the design of new reactor types;
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 161 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex II – part 1 – point d a (new)
(da) Contribute to the R&D agenda resulting from the recommendations listed in the conclusions of the Union stress- tests such as those related to seismic modelling or core melt simulation. - Percentage of funded projects likely to facilitate the application of these recommendations.
Committee: ITRE
Amendment 162 #
Proposal for a regulation
Annex II – part 1 – point d b (new)
(db) Support the long-term sustainability of nuclear fission through improvements in the field of reactor time extension or in the design of new reactor types. - Percentage of funded projects likely to have a demonstrable impact in the field of reactor time extension or in the design of new reactors types.
Committee: ITRE