3 Amendments of Marielle DE SARNEZ related to 2010/0101(COD)

Amendment 54 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 16
(16) EIB activity in Neighbourhood countries should take place in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy, under which the EU aims to develop a special relationship with neighbouring countries with a view to establishing an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness, founded on the values of the EU and characterised by close and peaceful relations based on co-operation. To achieve these objectives the EU and its partners implement jointly agreed bilateral Action Plans defining a set of priorities including on political and security issues, trade and economic matters, environmental and social concerns and integration of transport and energy networks. The Union for the Mediterranean, the Eastern Partnership, and the Black Sea Synergy are multilateral and regional initiatives complementary to the European Neighbourhood Policy aimed at fostering co-operation between the EU and the respective group of neighbouring partner countries facing common challenges and/or sharing a common geographical environment. The Union for the Mediterranean supports improved socio- economic development, solidarity, regional integration, sustainable development and knowledge building, underlining the need to increase financial co-operation to support regional and trans-national projects and support SMEs. The Eastern Partnership aims to create the necessary conditions to accelerate political association and further economic integration between the EU and Eastern Partner countries. The Russian Federation and the EU have a wide-ranging Strategic Partnership, distinct from the European Neighbourhood Policy and expressed through the Common Spaces and Roadmaps. This is complemented at multilateral level by the Northern Dimension which provides a framework for co-operation between the EU, Russia, Norway and Iceland.
Committee: INTA
Amendment 55 #
Proposal for a decision
Recital 18
(18) The EIB should be active in Asia both in dynamic emerging economies and in less prosperous countries. In this diverse region, the EU is deepening its strategic partnerships with China and India and negotiations are progressing on new partnership and free trade agreements with South-East Asian countries. However, these negotiations should take account of the principle of reciprocity and of the risks of dumping in the social, health and environmental areas. At the same time, development cooperation remains high on the EU's agenda with Asia; the EU development strategy for the Asian region aims at eradicating poverty by supporting broad-based sustainable economic growth, promoting a conducive environment and conditions for trade and integration within the region, enhancing governance, increasing political and social stability, and supporting the achievement of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals. Policies are being put in place jointly to address common challenges, such as climate change, sustainable development, security and stability, governance and human rights, as well as the prevention of, and response to natural and human disasters.
Committee: INTA
Amendment 63 #
Proposal for a decision
Article 3 - paragraph 3
3. The EIB shall progressively increase its activity in social sectors, such as health and education, education and combating unemployment.
Committee: INTA