3 Amendments of Marielle DE SARNEZ related to 2013/2020(INI)

Amendment 143 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 14
14. Notes with great concern the role of these factors in facilitating the regional surge in international organised crime and jihadi networks; emphasises the serious threats that they pose to human rights and regional stability, and the need to confront such threats for the benefit of Sahelian populations; expresses particular alarm at the ‘trafficking highways’, which, helped by the porousness of the borders, stretch across Africa from west to east, and south to north from the West African coast, transporting arms, narcotics, cigarettes, and people; notes that the Sahel risks further destabilisation from the proliferation of light weaponry originating in Libyaapplauds the efforts of the Sahel countries to fight terrorism and organised crime, not least where heavy weapons traffic is concerned; notes that the Sahel risks further destabilisation from the proliferation of light weaponry originating in Libya; urges the Sahel countries, therefore, to intensify regional coordination and cooperation, redouble their efforts to secure their shared land borders, and, to that end, seek the involvement of ECOWAS; further condemns the region's increased incidences of kidnapping and hostage- taking, which have proved highly lucrative for criminal and terrorist groups, and welcomes the work of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Group on the impact of terrorist hostage-taking on human rights; draws attention to the impact of these activities on the wider region, as well as the EU, which is the destination for much of the illicit traffic;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 172 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19
19. Supports the UN Security Council resolution commitment to assisting the transitional authorities of Mali to implement the road map towards the full restoration of constitutional order, democratic governance and national unity; considers it essential to create conditions conducive to the holding of credibledemocratic elections, in keeping with international standards; stresses the need to overcome challenges related to the voting arrangements in the IDP and refugee camps, to avoid further political marginalisation; calls for immediate action on this issue by the Malian Government and its international partners; emphasises the need to ensure the safe participation of women in the electoral process;
Committee: AFET
Amendment 185 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22
22. Notes with due seriousness the extreme and pervasive poverty of Mali, Niger, Chad and Burkina Faso, and acknowledges its detrimental impact on the prospects of realising human rights; expresses grave concern over the high maternal and under- five child mortality rates in the region; stresses the UN's findings of lower mortality rates among better educated mothers as a rallying call for universal educationeducation accessible to all; points out that fast population growth puts additional pressure on governments’ capacity to protect even the most basic economic and social rights;
Committee: AFET