7 Amendments of Raffaele FITTO related to 2020/0100(COD)

Amendment 19 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5
(5) In order to enhance the economic diversification of territories impacted by the transition, the Facility should cover a wide range of investments, on condition that they contribute to meet the development needs in the transition towards a climate neutral economy, as described in the territorial just transition plans. The investments supported may cover energy and transport infrastructure, district heating networks, green mobility, smart waste management, clean energy and energy efficiency measures including renovations and conversions of buildings, support to transition to a circular economy, land restoration and decontamination, as well as up- and re-skilling, training and social infrastructure, including social housing. Infrastructure developments may also include solutions leading to their enhanced resilience to withstand disasters. Comprehensive investment approach should be favoured in particular for territories with important transition needs. Investments in other sectors could also be supported if they are consistent with the adopted territorial just transition plans. By supporting investments that do not generate sufficient revenues, the Facility aims at providing public sector entities with additional resources necessary to address the social, economic and environmental challenges resulting from the adjustment to climate transition. In order to help identify investments with a high positive environmental impact eligible under the Facility, the EU taxonomy on environmentally sustainable economic activities may be used.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 20 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 5
(5) In order to enhance the economic diversification of territories impacted by the transition, the Facility should cover a wide range of investments, on condition that they contribute to meet the development needs in the transition towards a climate neutral economy, as described in the territorial just transition plans. The investments supported may cover energy and transport infrastructure, including technological solutions based on natural gas with the possibility of a gradual shift to lower-emissions gas fuels in the future, district heating networks, green mobility, smart waste management, clean energy and energy efficiency measures including renovations and conversions of buildings, support to transition to a circular economy, land restoration and decontamination, as well as up- and re-skilling, training and social infrastructure, including social housing. Infrastructure developments may also include solutions leading to their enhanced resilience to withstand disasters. Comprehensive investment approach should be favoured in particular for territories with important transition needs. Investments in other sectors could also be supported if they are consistent with the adopted territorial just transition plans. By supporting investments that do not generate sufficient revenues, the Facility aims at providing public sector entities with additional resources necessary to address the social, economic and environmental challenges resulting from the adjustment to climate transition. In order to help identify investments with a high positive environmental impact eligible under the Facility, the EU taxonomy on environmentally sustainable economic activities may be used.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 30 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 13
(13) In order to ensure that all Member States are granted the possibility to benefit from the grant component, a mechanism should be set up to establish earmarked national shares to be respected during a first stage, based on the distribution key proposed in the Just Transition Fund Regulation. However, in order to reconcile that objective with the need to optimise the economic impact of the Facility and its implementation, such national allocations should not be earmarked after 31 December 20245. Thereafter, the remaining resources available for the grant component should be provided without any pre-allocated national share and on a competitive basis at Union level, while ensuring predictability for investment and following a needs-based and regional convergence approach.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 45 #
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 21
(21) In order to set out an appropriate financial framework for the grant component of this Facility until 31 December 20245, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission to set out the available national allocations expressed as shares of the overall financial envelope of the Facility for each Member State in accordance with the methodology set out in Annex I of Regulation [the JTF Regulation]. The implementing powers should be conferred without comitology procedures given that the shares derive directly from the application of a pre- defined calculation methodology.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 50 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 2
2. 'beneficiary' means a public sector legal entity established in a Member State as a public law body, or as a body governed by private law entrusted with a public service mission, – including entrepreneurs acting as private partners in public-private partnership (PPP) arrangements – and with whom a grant agreement has been signed under the Facility;
Committee: REGI
Amendment 69 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 2
2. For grants awarded pursuant to calls for proposals launched no later than 31 December 20245, Union support awarded to eligible projects in a Member State shall not exceed the national shares set out in the decision to be adopted by the Commission pursuant to paragraph 4.
Committee: REGI
Amendment 72 #
Proposal for a regulation
Article 6 – paragraph 3
3. For grants awarded pursuant to calls for proposals launched as from 1 January 20256, Union support awarded to eligible projects shall be provided without any pre-allocated national share and on a competitive basis at Union level until exhaustion of remaining resources. The award of such grants shall take into account the need to ensure predictability of investment and the promotion of regional convergence.
Committee: REGI