3 Amendments of Philip BRADBOURN related to 2013/2215(DEC)
Amendment 3 #
Proposal for a decision 1
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Grants the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency discharge in respect of the implementation of the Agency's budget for the financial year 2012 / Postpones its decision on granting the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency discharge in respect of the implementation of the Agency's budget for the financial year 2012;
Amendment 5 #
Proposal for a decision 2
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1
1. Approves the closure of the accounts of the European Medicines Agency for the financial year 2012 / Postpones its decision on the closure of the accounts of the European Medicines Agency for the financial year 2012;
Amendment 12 #
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 8
8. Notes with concern that in 2012, the Agency issued multiple framework contracts for the provision of services; expresses concern that the procurement procedure presented some irregularities affecting the principle of transparency and demands that the Agency address this issue;