5 Amendments of Timothy KIRKHOPE related to 2011/0436(COD)

Amendment 27 #

Recital 3
(3) While there is objectively a clearan added value of being an Union citizen with established rights, the Union does not always highlight the link between the solutions and achievements of a broad range of economic and social problems and the Union's policies in an effective way. Hence, the impressive achievements in terms of peace and stability in Europe, long-term sustainable growth, such as peace and stability in Europe, stable prices, an efficient protection of consumers and the environment and the promotion of fundamental rights, have not always led to a strong feeling of belonging of citizens to the Unionand the Union's policies in an effective way.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 29 #

Recital 4
(4) In order to bring Europe closer to its citizens and to enable them to participate fully in the construction of an ever closer Union, a variety of actions and coordinated efforts through transnational and Union level activities are required. The European Citizens' Initiative provides a unique opportunity to enable citizens to participate directly in shaping the development of EU legislation.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 36 #

Recital 13
(13) The resources allocated to communication actions under this Regulation shall also contribute to corporate communication of the political priorities of the European Union as far as they are related to the general objectives of this Regulation.deleted
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 40 #

Article 2 – paragraph 1 – point 2 – paragraph 1
Progress will be measured against the number of beneficiaries reached directly and indirectly, the perception of the EU and its institutions by the beneficiaries, quality of projects, and percentage of first time applicants.
Committee: LIBE
Amendment 50 #

Article 6 – paragraph 1
The programme shall be open to all stakeholders promoting European integration, in particular local authorities and organisations, European public policy research organisations (think-tanks), citizens' groups and other civil society organisations (such as survivors' associations), and educational and research institutions.
Committee: LIBE